A site that I started to see frequently when I approached the running and you continue to follow with great interest is to Roberto Albanesi especially reading the articles and sections race marathon. Albanian
Roberto has designed and registered the trademark Wellrunness ® indicating "the practice of racing with the aim to run until the end of his days" ; in this page shows the rules of wellrunness.
I think that this definition represents fully my idea of \u200b\u200brunning a practice and share it in full. Many positions
pages site may appear counter but they are always motivated and I read with great interest and respect.
Among other things, so far, I managed to find all the answers to my curiosity and my doubts about running and, as I did when I spoke of syndrome iliotibial bandelletta , still cite the pages of this interesting site .
Roberto has designed and registered the trademark Wellrunness ® indicating "the practice of racing with the aim to run until the end of his days" ; in this page shows the rules of wellrunness.
I think that this definition represents fully my idea of \u200b\u200brunning a practice and share it in full. Many positions
pages site may appear counter but they are always motivated and I read with great interest and respect.
Among other things, so far, I managed to find all the answers to my curiosity and my doubts about running and, as I did when I spoke of syndrome iliotibial bandelletta , still cite the pages of this interesting site .