Yet some fool, more or less organized, dared to attempt this part of us, seriously injuring some, but certainly not deadly. Because the Gargano is still so big and beautiful, but above all, as well as unspeakable beauty, the Gargano is also the people who inhabit it. Great artists, musicians and poets over the centuries have received the gift of being born in that land, hard and sweet at the same time, they may be, of this, the more witnesses. Why next to some small bomber himself, there was the tragedy, a majority of individuals, which proved popular, has dispelled many of the many places common, in a somewhat 'ungenerous, hung on it. Until yesterday, many of us, in fact, did fall on the Gargano, and on their attitude, sometimes a bit 'stubborn as to seem jealous of their natural beauty, some of the responsibility for this lack of growth of the entire Daunia. But the same
Gargan, when they were losing everything, their homes, their daily activities and their memories, they managed to bring out the best that they have within them. In fact, humanity and solidarity which have been shown to help, and sometimes saving, and many many strangers from all over the world, are now in one of the days sad for the whole Daunia, one of the most memorable pages could be written by the people of the Gargano.
These beautiful pages will be up to Gargano and dauni again. It will be tough, it will take time but we will. Together, first and foremost. Why more Gargano shall be deemed and be considered an autonomous area of \u200b\u200bDaunia. We must do all, a fine of past mistakes and build it, not by the repetition of the same and our vast possibilities, rebirth, to ensure a brighter future to the Gargano, lush and full Daunia. Why
intelligence, strength and pride of a people is demonstrated in the moments really hard, otherwise it would be all too easy. The President of
Salvatore Speranza