Expression of the largest social class in Puglia in the early '900, agricultural laborers, Peppino Di Vittorio, was formed in the political struggles and union laborers in Cerignola, Minervino Murge, Bari, where he was appointed to head the Chamber of Labor. Exile in France during Fascism took part, with the future Secretary of the Communist Party Luigi Longo, the English Civil War and in 1944 after the "Pact of Rome", which was reconstituted with the CGIL, became Secretary General of the Union united. He remained until his death at the head of the CGIL, CISL, even after the division (1948) and the UIL (1950), and served also as President of the World Federation of Trade Unions. In its commitment to trade union remained linked to two overriding principles for him: the unity of workers and the autonomy of the Syndicate.
Socialist already very early age, he joined the Party Communist three years after its founding in 1924, with the so-called "backs" under glass. And the Italian Communist Party, which at that time still took the name Communist Party of Italy (Italian Communist Party), would remain until the last day of his life, "his party." Even in times when expressed different positions with respect to the leadership of the Communist Party, and the case of the Soviet invasion of Hungary in November of 1956, severely criticized by the CGIL Di Vittorio, is certainly the most striking example, never lost his loyalty and esteem, sincerely reciprocated, to the leader of the Party, Palmiro Togliatti. A fine essay published Just recently, on the San Severo. Michael Pistilli, Secretary of the Federation of the Communist Party of Bari and Foggia in the 50s and 60s and over Parliamentary Communist, makes clear the relationship in the years 56-57 between the two leaders and ridiculed the allegations of "bourgeois press" of time opposed, as alleged aspirant to the succession to the leadership of the Party, Di Vittorio in Togliatti. And if the location of loyalty to the Party and its leader, combined with a reaffirmation of the positions outlined above, is demonstrated by the intervention of Di Vittorio Congress of the Communist Party of the Federation of Foggia in December 1956 (announced action meticulously and analyzed by 'on. Michele Galante), is further evidence of gratitude and affection of Togliatti, the fact that, in the general elections of 1958, "the best" would happen to Peppino Di Vittorio as leaders of the Communist Party in the Chamber Board of Bari-Foggia.
Certainly the figure of a deserved victory from a historical point of view, to be studied in depth and thorough in all its many facets, but this is not, in my opinion, the main objective to be asked today to bring an advantage to his memory and to our dear land. A discussion of an "excessive level, as well as the risk of distorting the role of a character" peasant son of humility " would not have realized that by some, and sadly, few insiders. The memory of Di Vittorio, in contrast, the duty to be known by all citizens of Puglia, especially the younger generations, because it is an example of a pride that deserves to be seen and experienced by everyone and becoming, in fact, truly shared. It would be permissible, and certainly useful for Puglia, retracing what has been, for about 50 years, an enviable culture of mass action made in regions such as Emilia, Tuscany and Umbria on knowledge of topics relating to schools resistance. That policy in subsequent years has created a people that has made democracy a value be specific to its community and, likewise, our Puglia would need educated young people who witnessed an idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice and progress.
the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Peppino Di Vittorio the task of those involved in culture in our land, the CGIL, local bodies such as municipalities, provinces and regions of Casa Di Vittorio (the latter two, in fact, already are doing a commendable work extensively to do so), should be to revive in the minds of our countrymen, everyone, not just those already culturally predisposed, the pride of a man, able with his teaching to make that the poor laborers of our earth should never feel compelled to "take his hat off in front of their employers" and they became finally able to ask with strength, determination and, above all, dignity, respect their rights. It was Peppino Di Vittorio in fact the man who could be "an example" that allowed thousands of our poor fellow citizens to become finally the young Italian democracy.
And that's why Peppino Di Vittorio deserves to be known, remembered and honored by all and everyone. The President of
Salvatore Speranza