Apologies of having to talk about something that concerns me personally. I had never happen and not happen again. I'm 31 years old and 15 years joined the Communist Party of the PRC, my only party, where I held various management positions at various levels. I cite only those which are most fond of: twice the city's Party Secretary of Foggia, Foggia was the founder, in 1995, the Young Communist League, an organization in which I held, again on two occasions, the office of provincial coordinator. In addition to being the youngest candidate among all the lists presented in the 1995 municipal elections and provincial in 1998, the companion risultai voted Communist Refoundation in both municipal 1999 than in 2004.
Today, July 20, 2008, make public its intention to resign from the directors of my club and not longer be part of the PRC Communist.
After thinking for a long time, so heartbreaking, I chose this date to give enforceability of this decision for two reasons. Firstly, because, consistent with the methods by which I have always acted, it does not involve particular damage to the organization to which I gave almost half of my young life, having passed the national Congress, in which, as the last contribution, I gave my vote to the manager that I respect most in the Italian left and to which I devoted his time to my thesis, Nichi Vendola mate, and since the aftermath of the province. But secondly, the 20th of July happens to seven years after the death of Carlo Giuliani, which occurred during demonstrations against the G8 in Genoa, where, along with lots of girls and boys of the Province of Foggia and unlike almost all of the current leadership of the provincial PRC, was present. Does this mean that the ideals that took me seven years ago in Genoa, Florence and other dozens of national events, remain today, for me, unchanged.
My choice does not come also from the situation of the PRC and the Italian left, certainly difficult, but from my point of view is not entirely new, because I've always act politically in a situation, as it were, outside Parliament.
The main reason for a decision that cost me a lot is just one: the end of the acquired knowledge of different communities.
I grew up in the idea that the party would ensure a tool, but the redemption of the people, workers and lower classes. See in it the perverse mechanisms, by which, to cite just one example, the party reached the city of Foggia, in view of the Congress, the historical record of members, without, for years, any major initiative, I was forced to reflect on the words, so many years ago, Enrico Berlinguer spoke to the Italian parties: "The parties of today are mainly machinery and power customers." I thought that that was only for the other parties, I never thought that one day I would have thought this of my own. But unfortunately I had to reverse. Should it be necessary, I might also add details publicly, but I would ask my former Party of torture do not make this last.
For me, this story ends here. The 15-year return of the PRC and the many classmates and friends encountered in this long journey, will always remain in my memories and, above all, in my heart. I go out in an isolated manner by the party, without cause or trauma or miniscissioni, that would be harmful not only to my, now ex, organization, and above all the realization of my ideals.
I can say even now, on the other hand, that does not end here my commitment to social, civil and political. The next few days with free association, I'll start thinking about initiatives that can contribute to improve, with an outlook for the latter, the conditions of my beloved city and my land, the Daunia, in which I was lucky to remain living. In order to achieve a world, starting with what surrounds me, the better.
Why can happen all over, but nobody can stop me from continuing to dream.
Salvatore Speranza