The Dignity of Duria
From October 29 to November 14, 2009 at the Provincial Library Magna Capitana Foggia photographic exhibition and documentary: The dignity of Duria (edited, among others, by myself), Cyril-I Farrusi in Cerignola between Belgium and Capitanata
The family is a family Duria Foggia '900 popular as many others. As in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Life of Duria flows cyclically between the bumps, sometimes tragic, and the fate that life is fun to create, in a state of permanent struggle.
In fact, the living conditions mean that the survival of every member of Duria be guaranteed always and only by the daily work. The smallest unexpected and terrible tragedies, and family history of the twentieth century, leading to a close contact with death, shall be addressed in the same way, with a dignity that only sound principles based on the centrality of the rights and duties, can give.
At the same time the exhibition belong to the class is intertwined with the popular desire for an important noble family. A noble origins date from any direct descent from the Marquis de Rosa, and moral nobility, which is a member of Duria, Antonio, one of the protagonists of the dream of emancipation of his class.
The story is told from the Duria Orlando, worker, granddaughter of the founder John Duria, author of a study based on documents, photographs and anecdotes.
A story of a family like many others, then, but, like many others, could and should be told.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Attributes Firefighter
voluntary servitude: Israel and steals water rationing to Palestinian
Amnesty International has accused Israel of denying Palestinians the right to adequate access to water, while maintaining total control of the shared water resources and implementing discriminatory policies, designed to limit the availability of water and prevent the development of water infrastructure operations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Amnesty International has accused Israel of denying Palestinians the right to adequate access to water, while maintaining total control of the shared water resources and implementing discriminatory policies, designed to limit the availability of water and prevent the development of water infrastructure operations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
"Israel allow the Palestinians access to only a small part of the shared water resources, which are mostly in the occupied West Bank, where instead of illegal settlements settlers receive virtually unlimited supply. In Gaza, the Israeli blockade has made worse an already dire situation that was "- said Donatella Rovera,
Amnesty International's researcher on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
In a comprehensive new report, Amnesty International shows the extent to which the Israeli policies and practices denying the Palestinians their right to access to water. Israel uses more than 80 percent of the water of the Mountain Aquifer, the largest reserves of underground water in the area, and restricts Palestinian access only 20 percent.
The Mountain Aquifer is the only resource for Palestinians in the West Bank, but only one of the many available to Israel, which takes for itself all the available water of the Jordan River.
While the daily consumption of water for the Palestinians barely reaches 70 liters per person is higher than that of the Israeli 300 liters, four times more. In some rural areas the Palestinians survive with only 20 liters per day, the minimum amount recommended for domestic use in emergencies.
From 180,000 to 200,000 Palestinians who live in rural communities have no access to running water and the Israeli army often prevents them from even to collect rainwater. In contrast, Israeli settlers who live in the West Bank in violation of international law, have farms with intensive irrigation, manicured gardens and swimming pools: 450,000 Israeli settlers use the same, if not greater amount of water, compared to 2,300,000 palestinesi.Nella Gaza Strip, the 90-95 per cent of the water the only source of water present, the coastal aquifer, is contaminated and unfit for human consumption. Moreover, Israel does not allow the transfer of water from the Mountain Aquifer of the West Bank to Gaza. The strict prohibitions imposed by Israel in recent years at the entrance to Gaza of materials and equipment necessary for the development and repair infrastructure, have caused further deterioration of water and health situation in Gaza has reached a dramatic level.
To cope with water shortages and lack of distribution facilities, many Palestinians are forced to buy water from portable tanks, often of dubious quality and higher prices.
Others resort to various measures to save money, threatening their health and their families and hinder the socio-economic development. "In over 40 years of occupation, the restrictions imposed by Israel of Palestinian access to water prevented the development of infrastructure and water services in the occupied Palestinian territory, thereby denying hundreds of thousands of people the right to live a normal life, to have enough food, shelter, health and economic development "- said Donatella Rovera.
Israel has appropriated large areas of Palestinian land rich in water, and by prohibiting occupying access to the Palestinians. He also imposed a complex system of permits that the Palestinians must obtain from the armed forces and other Israeli authorities to carry out water projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Israel has appropriated large areas of Palestinian land rich in water, and by prohibiting occupying access to the Palestinians. He also imposed a complex system of permits that the Palestinians must obtain from the armed forces and other Israeli authorities to carry out water projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Such requests are often refused or suffer long delays. I restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of people and goods to further exacerbate the difficulties that Palestinians face when trying to complete water projects and health, or just when they want to distribute small amounts of acqua.Il fact that the tanks are forced to lengthen the route to avoid the checkpoints by the Israeli army and the roads are closed to Palestinian causes an excessive increase in the price of water . In rural areas, Palestinian farmers struggling to get enough water for their basic needs, as the Israeli army often destroyed or confiscated cisterns to collect rainwater for irrigation. Instead, in the nearby Israeli settlements, plant irrigate fields in the midday sun, when most water is lost even before reaching the evaporating suolo.In some Palestinian villages, Because they have no access to water, the farmers are unable to cultivate land or to produce small amounts of food for their livelihood or as feed for animals and are therefore forced to reduce the number of herds.
"Water is a commodity and a fundamental right but also have a minimum amount of water and poor has become a luxury that many Palestinians can barely afford" - said Rovera.
"Israel must end its discriminatory policies, immediate lifting of all restrictions it imposes on Palestinian access to water, take responsibility for addressing the problems it has created and grant the Palestinians a fair allocation of shared water resources. "
This new report is part of the global campaign" Demand Dignity ", launched by Amnesty International in May this year to demand an end to violations of human rights that create and exacerbate poverty. The campaign is mobilizing people all over the world to demand that governments and businesses listen to the voices of those living in poverty and respect their rights.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Abreva Prevents Bursting
Enrico Mattei April 29, 1906 - October 27, 1962
"What was Enrico Mattei? An adventurer? A great patriot? One of those Italians elusive, indefinable, who can get in on all sides, capable of great charm as great fury, but with a generous memory of an elephant for the injuries suffered, but most skillful in using the money without touching upon the shares but are able to use them, cynical but a great design. "
(Giorgio Bocca)
Enrico Mattei was murdered, his case covered up, witnesses silenced. But one thing is certain: the plane was traveling and the chairman of ENI, which fell on the evening of October 27, 1962 in Baschurch, near Milan, was sabotaged.
was a man who gave much trouble. Mattei's strategy was aimed at breaking the monopoly of the "seven sisters", not only for the benefit of our body oil, but also to establish new relationships between the industrialized and material suppliers prime.Una strategy simply unacceptable for large companies who share the oil wealth of the world.
investigation of the Prosecutor of Pavia, which was reopened in the mid-90s, it is also clear that the coverup of the crime was directed from the top services. For the deputy prosecutor of Pavia Vincenzo Calia the founder of ENI was "unequivocally" the victim of an attack. Vincenzo Calia comes close to solving the case and put forward the hypothesis of the attack, but can not prove it. Calia writes: "The execution of the attack was planned when it was certain that Enrico Mattei would not leave voluntarily, the president of the state oil". Calia has shown that the explosion that brought down the twin Morane-Saulnier in which they traveled the President of ENI, the pilot Irnerio Bertuzzi and the American journalist William McHale was caused by a bomb placed in the landing gear of the aircraft. The evidence contained in 208 pages of the file also shows that the investigation 1962, chaired by Air Force General Hercules Savi, ended by declaring the impossibility of ascertaining the cause "of the disaster, was in fact a monstrous cover-up.
date before the bar is over only a farmer from Baschurch, Mario Ronchi, accused of "abetting aggravated." According to the prosecution saw the plane explode in flight Mattei, gave interviews to that effect in different organs of the press and Rai and then ... will all remain. Who has sabotaged the plane? Who are the principals? The prosecutor Calia unable to ascertain, but it is likely that there are responsibilities of men included in Eni and organs of state security. And more false leads, manipulations, suppressions of evidence and documents, pressures that prevent the establishment of the truth. On 27 July 1993 by the "repentant" mafia of Gaetano Ianni reach important statements.
Iannì According to the elimination of Mattei there was an agreement between unidentified "American" and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra. To put a bomb on the plane Mattei fuono some men of the Mafia family headed by Giuseppe Di Cristina. Tommaso Buscetta also reveals that the American Mafia Cosa Nostra, asked the favor of eliminating Enrico Mattei "in the interests of the major substantial U.S. oil companies." In Italy, later, Mattei was a financier of the political, economic and political enemy of the clubs linked to large interessi.La certainty is that the president of ENI Enrico Mattei, the most powerful manager of the Italian state is uccisola evening of October 27, 1962 together the pilot Irnerio Bertuzzi and the American journalist William Mc Hale. In parallel to the administrative conduct Air Force, the Prosecutor opened an investigation of Pavia for the crimes of aggravated murder and aviation disaster. The military investigation closes quickly, in March 1963, without substantially determined the cause of the accident, Pavia closed criminal investigations Feb. 7, 1966, accepting the demands of prosecution and sentence by saying "not to prosecute because the facts do not exist." To give vent to each other in the late seventies were a book and a movie. The book, written by Fulvio Bellini and Alexander Previdi, is titled "The assassination of Enrico Mattei. The film is "The Mattei Affair" by Francesco Rosi. At the same time
Italo Mattei, Henry's brother, calls for the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry. There are too many doubts about the incident and also the disappearance of Mattei has been useful to many people in Italy and abroad, since its relations with the countries of the third world oil producers had hit the oil cartel of the seven sisters. The reopening of the investigation is requested even by a press campaign of the weekly "The hours of the week" and a series of parliamentary questions. The interest around the mysterious end of the "king of Italian oil" is given new impetus by the investigation into the disappearance of the journalist of the 'now' of Palermo Mauro De Mauro, 16 September 1970. One of the tracks followed the end of the investigation De Mauro Palermo assumed fact that the journalist was abducted and killed because he discovered something very important about the death of the President of ENI: De Mauro Rosi had in fact received by the director in charge to collaborate in the preparation of screenplay for the film "The Mattei Affair", reconstructing the last two days of life spent by the Chairman of ENI in Sicily.
The investigation into the disappearance of Mauro De ends in a stalemate, despite the request for further investigations made by GIP in Palermo again in 1991. The proceeding is filed Aug. 18, 1992: De Mauro could not have found anything special about the death of Enrico Mattei, since the court of Pavia had considered all of the accidental nature of the disaster of Baschurch. On September 20, 1994 the investigating judge of Pavia authorizing the reopening of the investigation against unknown persons. The reopening was sought by the prosecutor Pavia, for competence, had received by the prosecutor in Caltanissetta extract of the statements made by a turncoat mafia. On November 5, 1997 the prosecutor of Pavia Vincenzo Calia comes to this conclusion: "the plane, onto which traveled Enrico Mattei, William Mc Hale and Inrneio Bertuzzi, was intentionally shot down in the sky of Baschurch in the evening of 27 October 1962. The medium used was a small explosive charge, possibly triggered by the command which lowers the carriage and opened the doors closing of their housing. " Nothing more you can discover and questions remain. Enrico Mattei was to break the grip built around him by the oil cartel that ENI excluded from the international oil market, denying concessions in the producing countries on par with the other oil companies. Mattei then declared war on neo-colonial system of concessions, offering producers an agreement revolutionary countries, 75% of revenue compared to 50% so far offered by the airlines, and the skills of the local workforce. The cartel reacted furiously, leading to overthrow governments, such as Libya, which had accepted the offer and opened prospects for large supplies to ENI. In 1962, when it was looked forward to the outcome of the Algerian question, Mattei was a way around the block.
supporting the National Liberation Front (FLN), Mattei had mortgaged preferentially to ENI from the future government. It was thought then that Algeria possessed, on the border with Libya, the largest unexplored oil reserves in the world. Mattei moved parallel to De Gaulle, who decided to recognize the independence of Algeria. In return, the French oil company ENI gained the same privileges. The triumphal entry of ENI in the oil market was then almost assicurato.Non alone, the Executive Intelligence Review, through a meticulous reconstruction of the case Mattei, Eni said that the president eventually was able to open a dialogue with the White House, despite the international press had painted Mattei as a dangerous subversive anti-American. Mattei, for Eir, failed to make it clear to the new Kennedy administration that all he wanted was to be treated equally, that he was angry with America but with the methods applied by the colonial "seven sisters" of oil. The Kennedy administration accepted the box and put pressure on an oil company, Exxon, ENI to grant exploitation rights. The agreement was celebrated with a visit to Mattei in Washington, where he met Kennedy, and the conferral of an honorary degree from a prestigious U.S. university.
the eve of that trip, October 27, 1962, Mattei was assassinated. A year later, he was killed Kennedy. In a confidential report from the Foreign Office on 19 July 1962, stating that the "the Matteismo" was "potentially very dangerous for all oil companies operating in free competition (...). It is no exaggeration to assert that the success of the policy 'Matteista' represents the destruction of the free oil around the world. " So Mattei was eliminated in one way or another.
Here are the Anglo-American Corporation as involved: Standard Oil of New Jersey (U.S., today Exxon-Mobil), Royal Dutch Shell (Anglo-Dutch Shell remained), Anglo Persian Oil (UK, now BP), Standard Oil of New York (American now Chevron- Texaco), Socony (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco), Standard Oil of California (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco), Gulf Oil (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco)

"What was Enrico Mattei? An adventurer? A great patriot? One of those Italians elusive, indefinable, who can get in on all sides, capable of great charm as great fury, but with a generous memory of an elephant for the injuries suffered, but most skillful in using the money without touching upon the shares but are able to use them, cynical but a great design. "
(Giorgio Bocca)
Enrico Mattei was murdered, his case covered up, witnesses silenced. But one thing is certain: the plane was traveling and the chairman of ENI, which fell on the evening of October 27, 1962 in Baschurch, near Milan, was sabotaged.
was a man who gave much trouble. Mattei's strategy was aimed at breaking the monopoly of the "seven sisters", not only for the benefit of our body oil, but also to establish new relationships between the industrialized and material suppliers prime.Una strategy simply unacceptable for large companies who share the oil wealth of the world.
investigation of the Prosecutor of Pavia, which was reopened in the mid-90s, it is also clear that the coverup of the crime was directed from the top services. For the deputy prosecutor of Pavia Vincenzo Calia the founder of ENI was "unequivocally" the victim of an attack. Vincenzo Calia comes close to solving the case and put forward the hypothesis of the attack, but can not prove it. Calia writes: "The execution of the attack was planned when it was certain that Enrico Mattei would not leave voluntarily, the president of the state oil". Calia has shown that the explosion that brought down the twin Morane-Saulnier in which they traveled the President of ENI, the pilot Irnerio Bertuzzi and the American journalist William McHale was caused by a bomb placed in the landing gear of the aircraft. The evidence contained in 208 pages of the file also shows that the investigation 1962, chaired by Air Force General Hercules Savi, ended by declaring the impossibility of ascertaining the cause "of the disaster, was in fact a monstrous cover-up.
date before the bar is over only a farmer from Baschurch, Mario Ronchi, accused of "abetting aggravated." According to the prosecution saw the plane explode in flight Mattei, gave interviews to that effect in different organs of the press and Rai and then ... will all remain. Who has sabotaged the plane? Who are the principals? The prosecutor Calia unable to ascertain, but it is likely that there are responsibilities of men included in Eni and organs of state security. And more false leads, manipulations, suppressions of evidence and documents, pressures that prevent the establishment of the truth. On 27 July 1993 by the "repentant" mafia of Gaetano Ianni reach important statements.
Iannì According to the elimination of Mattei there was an agreement between unidentified "American" and the Sicilian Cosa Nostra. To put a bomb on the plane Mattei fuono some men of the Mafia family headed by Giuseppe Di Cristina. Tommaso Buscetta also reveals that the American Mafia Cosa Nostra, asked the favor of eliminating Enrico Mattei "in the interests of the major substantial U.S. oil companies." In Italy, later, Mattei was a financier of the political, economic and political enemy of the clubs linked to large interessi.La certainty is that the president of ENI Enrico Mattei, the most powerful manager of the Italian state is uccisola evening of October 27, 1962 together the pilot Irnerio Bertuzzi and the American journalist William Mc Hale. In parallel to the administrative conduct Air Force, the Prosecutor opened an investigation of Pavia for the crimes of aggravated murder and aviation disaster. The military investigation closes quickly, in March 1963, without substantially determined the cause of the accident, Pavia closed criminal investigations Feb. 7, 1966, accepting the demands of prosecution and sentence by saying "not to prosecute because the facts do not exist." To give vent to each other in the late seventies were a book and a movie. The book, written by Fulvio Bellini and Alexander Previdi, is titled "The assassination of Enrico Mattei. The film is "The Mattei Affair" by Francesco Rosi. At the same time
Italo Mattei, Henry's brother, calls for the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry. There are too many doubts about the incident and also the disappearance of Mattei has been useful to many people in Italy and abroad, since its relations with the countries of the third world oil producers had hit the oil cartel of the seven sisters. The reopening of the investigation is requested even by a press campaign of the weekly "The hours of the week" and a series of parliamentary questions. The interest around the mysterious end of the "king of Italian oil" is given new impetus by the investigation into the disappearance of the journalist of the 'now' of Palermo Mauro De Mauro, 16 September 1970. One of the tracks followed the end of the investigation De Mauro Palermo assumed fact that the journalist was abducted and killed because he discovered something very important about the death of the President of ENI: De Mauro Rosi had in fact received by the director in charge to collaborate in the preparation of screenplay for the film "The Mattei Affair", reconstructing the last two days of life spent by the Chairman of ENI in Sicily.
The investigation into the disappearance of Mauro De ends in a stalemate, despite the request for further investigations made by GIP in Palermo again in 1991. The proceeding is filed Aug. 18, 1992: De Mauro could not have found anything special about the death of Enrico Mattei, since the court of Pavia had considered all of the accidental nature of the disaster of Baschurch. On September 20, 1994 the investigating judge of Pavia authorizing the reopening of the investigation against unknown persons. The reopening was sought by the prosecutor Pavia, for competence, had received by the prosecutor in Caltanissetta extract of the statements made by a turncoat mafia. On November 5, 1997 the prosecutor of Pavia Vincenzo Calia comes to this conclusion: "the plane, onto which traveled Enrico Mattei, William Mc Hale and Inrneio Bertuzzi, was intentionally shot down in the sky of Baschurch in the evening of 27 October 1962. The medium used was a small explosive charge, possibly triggered by the command which lowers the carriage and opened the doors closing of their housing. " Nothing more you can discover and questions remain. Enrico Mattei was to break the grip built around him by the oil cartel that ENI excluded from the international oil market, denying concessions in the producing countries on par with the other oil companies. Mattei then declared war on neo-colonial system of concessions, offering producers an agreement revolutionary countries, 75% of revenue compared to 50% so far offered by the airlines, and the skills of the local workforce. The cartel reacted furiously, leading to overthrow governments, such as Libya, which had accepted the offer and opened prospects for large supplies to ENI. In 1962, when it was looked forward to the outcome of the Algerian question, Mattei was a way around the block.
supporting the National Liberation Front (FLN), Mattei had mortgaged preferentially to ENI from the future government. It was thought then that Algeria possessed, on the border with Libya, the largest unexplored oil reserves in the world. Mattei moved parallel to De Gaulle, who decided to recognize the independence of Algeria. In return, the French oil company ENI gained the same privileges. The triumphal entry of ENI in the oil market was then almost assicurato.Non alone, the Executive Intelligence Review, through a meticulous reconstruction of the case Mattei, Eni said that the president eventually was able to open a dialogue with the White House, despite the international press had painted Mattei as a dangerous subversive anti-American. Mattei, for Eir, failed to make it clear to the new Kennedy administration that all he wanted was to be treated equally, that he was angry with America but with the methods applied by the colonial "seven sisters" of oil. The Kennedy administration accepted the box and put pressure on an oil company, Exxon, ENI to grant exploitation rights. The agreement was celebrated with a visit to Mattei in Washington, where he met Kennedy, and the conferral of an honorary degree from a prestigious U.S. university.
the eve of that trip, October 27, 1962, Mattei was assassinated. A year later, he was killed Kennedy. In a confidential report from the Foreign Office on 19 July 1962, stating that the "the Matteismo" was "potentially very dangerous for all oil companies operating in free competition (...). It is no exaggeration to assert that the success of the policy 'Matteista' represents the destruction of the free oil around the world. " So Mattei was eliminated in one way or another.
Eufemia Giannetti
Here are the Anglo-American Corporation as involved: Standard Oil of New Jersey (U.S., today Exxon-Mobil), Royal Dutch Shell (Anglo-Dutch Shell remained), Anglo Persian Oil (UK, now BP), Standard Oil of New York (American now Chevron- Texaco), Socony (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco), Standard Oil of California (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco), Gulf Oil (U.S., now Chevron-Texaco)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Can I Take Mucinex D And Nyquil Together
Barack Obama and the Nobel Peace
"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 must be assigned to the president Barack Obama for his extraordinary effort to strengthen diplomacy international cooperation among peoples. The Committee gave particular importance to Obama for a world without nuclear weapons , as Obama has established a new climate, multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, emphasizing the role that the UN can play in the major international institutions. Dialogue and negotiations are the preferred way to resolve international conflicts. The vision of a world without nuclear weapons has powerfully stimulated the treaty to reduce nuclear arsenals.
On the back of Obama's United States are playing a more prominent role in the fight against climate change. Democracy and human rights must be strengthened. A person like Obama has captured the attention of the world, giving his people a hope for a better world. His diplomacy is based on the concept that those who rule the destiny of the world must act on the basis of values \u200b\u200bshared by the majority of the world population "
This is the official reason.
but this is
Mordechai Vanunu , also known by his baptismal name John Crossman, is an Israeli nuclear technician who revealed to the Sunday Times in 1986, the existence of a secret plan of nuclear weapons by the state of Israel, which would possess at the time 200 tests nuclear. At the time worked at the Dimona plant.
Rome was arrested by agents of the Mossad and moved to Israel where he was imprisoned and charged with high treason. was held behind closed doors and sentenced to 18 years in prison, 11 of which spent in complete isolation.
Vanunu subject to censorship in an interview , revealed Jeff Heinrich of the Montreal Gazette, that his dream was to emigrate to Canada.
the summer of 2007 Vanunu was sentenced to six months' imprisonment by the court for the peace of Jerusalem, a decision taken by Judge Yoel Tzur. Adjourned the bail, the former technician will then return to prison. The sentencing comes after an attempt to escape from Israel to go to the West Bank (which is under Israeli control).
Currently Israel has 400 nuclear warheads for a total capacity of 50 megatons, and India along with Pakistan and North Korea among the only countries that has not yet signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and does not allow the inspections by the IAEA

On the back of Obama's United States are playing a more prominent role in the fight against climate change. Democracy and human rights must be strengthened. A person like Obama has captured the attention of the world, giving his people a hope for a better world. His diplomacy is based on the concept that those who rule the destiny of the world must act on the basis of values \u200b\u200bshared by the majority of the world population "
This is the official reason.

Mordechai Vanunu , also known by his baptismal name John Crossman, is an Israeli nuclear technician who revealed to the Sunday Times in 1986, the existence of a secret plan of nuclear weapons by the state of Israel, which would possess at the time 200 tests nuclear. At the time worked at the Dimona plant.
Rome was arrested by agents of the Mossad and moved to Israel where he was imprisoned and charged with high treason. was held behind closed doors and sentenced to 18 years in prison, 11 of which spent in complete isolation.
release from prison April 21, 2004, was submitted by the Israeli authorities a significant restriction of freedom, in particular:
- can not have contact with citizens of other countries Israel is not
- can not close to embassies and consulates
- can not own a cell phone
- can not access the Internet
- can not leave the state of Israel

Vanunu subject to censorship in an interview , revealed Jeff Heinrich of the Montreal Gazette, that his dream was to emigrate to Canada.
the summer of 2007 Vanunu was sentenced to six months' imprisonment by the court for the peace of Jerusalem, a decision taken by Judge Yoel Tzur. Adjourned the bail, the former technician will then return to prison. The sentencing comes after an attempt to escape from Israel to go to the West Bank (which is under Israeli control).
Currently Israel has 400 nuclear warheads for a total capacity of 50 megatons, and India along with Pakistan and North Korea among the only countries that has not yet signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and does not allow the inspections by the IAEA
look at this series of videos alex jones people and meditate, meditate ..
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