The water resource in the world: uneven distribution of essential commodity for life.
Fresh water is a resource on the planet to an extent strongly inhomogeneous depending on the weather and topography of various regions. In large enough areas of the Earth or the water is scarce or of poor quality: this situation occurs in those countries that do not have the financial resources and technologies to meet this essential need for every individual.
In these cases would require sewage treatment plants bacteriologically impure water, drilling deep soil and pumping systems as complex or expensive processes to make drinking water from the sea. Some states, while the focus of a major river systems (Brazil, Congo etc.) Do not have those infrastructures that enable
lead water where there is something you request.

Each source of water is a concrete possibility for life degi humans and plants.
Brazil, for example, ranks first for availability of water resources but the lack of an adequate supply system creates distress. The Middle East is a clear demonstration of such as the availability of water of an area also depends on the level of technology and financial resources that could be used to meet the demand. water, in fact, it is necessary not only for civic uses, but is certainly related to the agricultural sector: if you can not dispose of it in sufficient quantities, the production drop off significantly and triggers a vicious cycle of poverty and a denutrizione.Grazie very advanced technology and significant financial resources, Israel has managed to meet all the needs of their state.
It 's very useful to compare the highly specialized agricultural systems of the Jewish state in comparison to the poor crops of
neighboring Jordan. The water is also a renewable resource if properly harnessed and used rationally and to the point that's been without planning it is expected a drastic reduction of water resources currently available in the coming decades.

In any moment of our life water is, however, an essential element in contributing to the performance of functions such as thermoregulation, digestion, intestinal function, etc.. In many countries advanced research is a water quality better. This research was relegated to the domestic water of our drinking water systems, creating a market of enormous proportions of bottled water.
PEXAL The conduction system is the use of combined multilayer pipe with brass fittings special and can achieve, with the same pipe and the same fittings, sanitary is that heating systems.
pipes and fittings are mutually electrically insulated by a gasket that goes to interpose itself between the end of the pipe and brass fitting. This seal excludes any possibility of contact between the two metals, thus preventing corrosion chemistry.

Tube 20 x 16 x 2 and 2, 0.2 mm thick aluminum. It is a tube bending soft and therefore suitable for installations of underfloor heating. used with the same junctions on the tube Pexal 16x2 and 20x2.
Aqueduct An aqueduct is a work more or less complex, built to transport water from one place to another to satisfy a variety of purposes: drinking water, irrigation, industrial use . The word comes from two Latin words for water ("water") and ducere ("lead"). Constructively
can be achieved in the various mod : with canals or piping or with mixed solutions.
In the case of channel operation can only be a free surface, even in the case of pipes under pressure.
For drinking water systems, we prefer to operate under pressure, because better guarantee of hygiene , even if it was in Puglia realized in the beginning of 1900 the main channel of the aqueduct of drinking Sele - Heat, still in operation, which operates free hair.
Many aqueducts across the landscape with bridges or similar to small rivers. Aqueducts large enough may be used by boats. Are special types of bridges, rather than that to overcome obstacles on roads and railways, water transport. But while the road bridge you can reach points higher than in the base path, it is obviously impossible for the aqueduct.
Historically, many agricultural societies have constructed aqueducts to irrigate crops. Archimedes invented the Archimedes screw for raising water used in irrigation of agricultural land.
Another use very
In more recent times, aqueducts were used for purposes of commercial navigation allowing river barges to overcome the unevenness. During the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century, many aqueducts were built as part of the overall boom in the construction of canals.
In modern civil engineering projects, detailed study and analysis of open channel flow are commonly required to support systems for flood control, irrigation systems , and large water supply systems when an aqueduct rather than a pipeline is the preferred solution. The aqueduct is a simple way to transport water from other parts of the territory.