The author Fabio heads will be a guest of the Library "NEWSSTAND" (located in Via Duomo, 25, Foggia) on June 22, to present his debut novel "A Matter of formality, "ed." IlFilo ( http://www.ilfiloonline.it/ ). The presentation will begin at 20.30 and will be introduced and moderated by journalist Loris Castriota.
Next, starting from 23:00, at the Enoteca kitchen with "angles" (located in Via Arco Contini, between Purgatory and the Theatre Square Jordan) will host a reading of excerpts from the book and other readings Author, contaminated by the sounds of live electronic set-edited by DauniadUb.
www.myspace.com / fabiotestini
www.myspace.com / angled
www.isound.com / dauniadub (to listen to the presentations of the contaminated Reading)
www.foggiaweb. com / teresarauzino / fabiotestini.htm
-introductory note to the novel "Holland .... Italy. Different perspectives that cross each other until they merge in the eyes of Fabio Testino that weaves with his pen, and stories of ordinary tangible poetry. They are the ones that slip on streets of Amsterdam where the days are passing, crossing on themselves, leaving, apparently, no trace. His protagonists live their intensely present, it lightly through the destiny, the one that cuts through the years of early adulthood. Their lives seem to be like so many others. Yet each has a good reason to be told. heard. Letta. "
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