The presence of degree courses, as well as in the capital, in all 5 major cities of Daunia (Manfredonia, Cerignola, San Severo, Lucera, San Giovanni Rotondo) should already be living proof of that. Not only that. The statistics show that already the same university can be defined as "dauno" our university because it was found that more than 50% of students are girls and boys in the province of Foggia, in addition to 33% of residents in the capital and 15% from other provinces of Puglia, or other Italian regions.
other universities have already taken a similar step in trying to represent, your name, and even more daring than we do ourselves, an area larger than the physical location of the University: the case of the University of Salento and the University of Molise are only examples closest to us.
The province of Foggia also has a double and undeniable need:
- finally begin making "system" of all the realities of a region as large, ranging from the Gargano Subappennino dauno passing Tavoliere immense, however extensive, that includes 61 municipalities.
- give rise to a serious act of local marketing that allows our entire province, to be expendable with a recognizable logo ("the Daunia") in all areas of our economy, from tourism to agriculture.
And while the continued growth of the University, which has already 8 years, brings more and more young people to choose dauni Foggia as a destination of their university studies, on the other the University of Foggia is also fundamental to the institution determine the thrust required to imagine and to create the conditions for a rebirth of our region and, finally, that more than any other, may represent our land from the boundaries of Daunia.
Change the name University of Foggia with that of "University the University of Daunia "is thus both a necessary step for a university aware of what actually is, is the insight of an institution that wants to be the main driving force for the development of an area that needs to start to grow.
The President of freely
Salvatore Speranza
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