Monday, November 2, 2009

Baixar Jogo Pokémon Dusk Gold


" is truly amazing, yet so common that there is more to be sorry that surprising to see millions and millions of men serve miserably, his neck under the yoke, not constrained by a larger force, but because it seems to be fascinated and intrigued by the name only one of which should not fear the power, just as it is, nor love the quality, as to them is inhumane and savage. [...] But, good God! What's this? As we would say that's his name? What a calamity is this? As vice, or rather, as unfortunate habit? See an infinite number of people do not obey, but to serve, not to be ruled, but tyrannized, without the goods belong or no relatives, no wife nor children, nor their own lives! Endure the looting, the licentiousness, cruelty, not an army, not a horde of barbarous, against which we should first defend their blood and their lives, but only one [...] We will call this cowardice? we say that those who serve are cowardly and weak? If two, three or four people defend themselves from another, this is strange, but possible, we can rightly be said that lack of courage. But if a hundred, a thousand one bear, you should not say that they do not want, do not dare to attack him, and that is not cowardice, but rather spregevolezza and abjection? [...] So what is this monstrous vice that does not even deserve the name of cowardice, and for which there is a period sufficiently offensive that nature denies that it generated and the tongue refuses to appoint? ".

"This tyrant only, no need to fight it, no need to defeat it, is itself already defeated, just that the country does not consent to enslavement. We must not take away anything, but do not give him anything. There is no need to worry that the country do anything for themselves, provided you do not do anything against him. It is therefore the same people who let themselves be bullied or rather do, because stopping it would be free to serve. It is the people who submits, which cuts the throat and being able to choose between being slave and being free to leave the freedom and takes the yoke, which consents to its evil, or rather, pursues it. [...] If you have the freedom just lust, if there is only need a simple act of will, as people in the world could be considered too expensive, being able to get only with a desire to [...]? ".

"He who dominates so there has only two eyes, two hands, one body has nothing more than the man least of the immense and infinite number of our cities, if not superiority that attributed to destroy you. Where did so many eyes, with which you light, if you offer them to him? As with so many hands to strike you, if you do not take from you? The feet that trample with your city, from where they have taken, if not from you? How do I get so much power over you except through your own? How dare attack us, had he not your complicity? What would you if you are not the recipe for the thief who plunders you, you accomplices of the Assassin kills and traitors to yourselves? ".

"There are three kinds of tyrants: some receive the kingdom through the election of the people, the other by force of arms, and still others by inheritance. Those who have acquired the right of war behaves in such a way as to understand that he is, so to speak, in a land of conquest. Those who are born rulers are not usually much better, even being born and nourished in the tyranny, suck the milk nature the tyrant, and consider the people who are subject to them, such as hereditary slaves, and, according to their nature as greedy or extravagant, as they are, regard the kingdom as their property. Who won the state power by the people [...] is stranger than outweigh the other tyrants in all sorts of vice, and even cruelty, finding no other means to ensure the new slavery and tyranny that extend away from their subjects so freedom, which, as I live, you can make him lose his memory. To tell the truth, then there is some difference between them, but I do not see a choice at all, and as methods to reach power are different, the way to rule is almost always like that. "

"Certainly, all people, retain until something human, if you leave subject, or are forced or deceived are [...] It's amazing how the people, when it is subject, quickly falls into an oblivion so deep freedom that he can not awaken to regain, but does so sincerely and so willingly, to see it, it seems that has not lost his freedom, but earned his servants. It is true that, at first, is forced by the strength and losers, but those who come after with no regrets and are happy to do what their predecessors had done for strength. It's so that men born under the yoke, and then reared and brought up in slavery, without looking ahead, are content to live as they were born, and do not think at all to have another asset or other right, except that they have received, and natural to take the state of their birth. You can not say that nature has an important role in influencing our nature in one way or another, but we must also confess that we have less power over the practice: in fact the natural character, no matter how good, is lost if not treated; education shapes us always in his way, anyway, despite the character. The seeds of the good that nature puts in us are so small and fragile that it can not withstand the impact of minimum education otherwise, are conserved with more difficulties than will be damaged, and disfino will be reduced to nothing. " Thus, although the human nature is free, a habit which has major effects on individuals, not their character, and so if they accept the servants have always been brought up as slaves: "The nature of man is right to be free and want to be, but its nature is such that naturally preserves the angle that gives education. "

" theaters, plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, exotic beasts, medals, paintings and other similar distractions not serious, were for ancient peoples the bait of servitude, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. These were the methods, practices, solicitations that used the old tyrants to numb their subjects under the yoke. So people, stupefied, finding those beautiful pastimes, enjoyed by a vain pleasure, that passed before their eyes became accustomed to serve more children who foolishly saw the shining image of picture books, they learn to read. "

"The tyrants awarded a quarter of wheat, half liter of wine and a sestertius, and then it was pity to hear shouting:" Long live the king! " The louts did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of them, and that what is retrieved, the tyrant could not give it unless it had taken to themselves. "

" the Roman emperors did not forget to take even usually the title of tribune of the people, both because that was considered sacred, and because it was established for the promotion and protection of the people, and under the protection of the state. Thus guaranteeing that the people he trusted most of them, as if to hear the name and not the effects. Today there are much better than those who do all sorts of mischief, even important, and preceded by some pretty speech the public good and on the common. "

"I do not believe it immediately, but it certainly is true: they are always four or five who support the tyrant, four or five who keep the entire country into slavery. It always happened that five or six have had the confidence of the tyrant, who have been approached by him, or called by him [...]. These six have six hundred who profit under them, and do what they do with these six hundred with the tyrant. These will take six thousand six hundred beneath them, which have high in the hierarchy, to which they give the government or the provinces, or the management of public funds [...]. This leads to large consequences, and those who want to unravel the fun, you will see that, not six thousand, but a hundred thousand, million, are held with the rope tied to the tyrant [...]. In short, you'd come through or under favors favors, earnings and returns that are under the tyrants, they are fine with almost as many people for whom tyranny seems profitable, how those whose freedom would be appreciated. "

"I think it is beyond doubt that, if we lived according to the rights which nature has given us and according to the teachings that we addressed, we would naturally obedient to their parents, followers of reason and the servants of anyone. [...] For sure, if ever there is something clear and obvious in nature, it is impossible not to see, is that nature, God's minister, the government of men, made us all the same shape, and as it seems, in the same mold, so that we can recognize one another as companions, or rather as brothers. And if, by dividing the gifts that made us, has benefited in the body or mind one more than the others, did not intend to put this fence in the world as a fighter, and did not send down here or the strongest or the smartest as armed robbers in a forest, to bully the weak. But, rather, one must believe that the nature of giving more to some and not others, wanted to leave room for affection, because where he had expressed, each having power to help, others need to receive. [...] We must not doubt that we are naturally free, because we are all comrades, and no one can come to mind that nature has put someone in servitude, after putting us all together. [...] It must be concluded that freedom is a natural fact, and for that reason, I believe that not only are born in possession of our freedom, but also with the desire to defend it. "

"was his true medium in equality, that never wants to contravene the rule, so it's always the same." Beyond the naturalistic conception of freedom, La Boétie his ideal society based on an established relationship of friendship that allows the maximum possible development of freedom and equality.
In conclusion, the speech, although written 450 years ago, still has a strongly present. In addition to its theoretical aspects, the strength of this work consists in tyranny against the right to civil disobedience: "Be determined not to serve more, and you're free."
Making sure that this is not some excuse to establish a new tyranny, different in form but identical in substance, so that "everything changes so that nothing changes." To them it is right that does not smile on the success because "we must not abuse the holy name of liberty to make bad business."
This is the message against tyranny.


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