Obama effigy - by Paul Craig Roberts
Did not take long for the Israeli Lobby to bring down Mr Obama for his ban on building new illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Obama has found that a single American president is powerless when confronted by the Israel Lobby, and that the U.S. simply is not allowed to have a policy in the Middle East other than Israel.
also found that Obama can not change anything, as long as he had never intended.
agenda of the military lobby and the defense is a state of war and internal police, and a simple American president can not do anything about it.
President Obama may order the torture chambers are closed at Guantanamo, and that the kidnapping and torture are stopped, but neither do his bidding.
Basically, Obama is irrelevant.
President Obama can promise that will bring the troops home, and the military lobby says, "No, instead sends them to Afghanistan, and in the meantime start a war in Pakistan and Iran to force them into a position that will give us an excuse to have a war there too. Wars are too profitable for us because you can stop them. " And the little president will say, "Yes, sir."
Obama can promise health care to 50 million of Americans who do not have it, but can not defeat the veto of the war lobby and the insurance lobby. The lobby of the war says that the profits of war are more important than health care and that the country can not afford both the "war on terror" that "socialized medicine".
The insurance lobby says that health care must be given by private health insurance, otherwise we can not afford.
The lobbies of the war and insurance waved their agendas with campaign contributions in [election] and quickly convinced Congress and the White House that the real purpose of draft law on health care is to save money by cutting benefits to Medicare and Medicaid, and then "put the entitlements [Ed. vested rights] under control. "
Entitlements from the right is a word used to denigrate the few things that, in the distant past, the government was doing for its citizens. The Social Security and Medicare, for example, are decried as "entitlements." The right has unceasingly to talk about Social Security and Medicare as if they were gifts given to people unable to refuse to take care of themselves, when in fact the citizens are by far with a tax surcharge of 15% in their wages in exchange for the meager benefits.
fact, for decades the federal government has financed its wars and military budgets with a surplus revenue collected by the work of the Social Security tax.
claim, as the right, we can not afford the only thing in the entire budget that has consistently produced in excess of revenue means that the real purpose is to bring the average citizen to a state of destitution.
True entitlements are never mentioned. The budget of "defense" is an entitlement for the military and defense, on which President Eisenhower warned us 50 years ago. A person must be crazy to believe that the Member U.S., "the only superpower in the world, protected by oceans to the east and west and puppet states in the north and south, who needs a budget of" defense "than the entire military spending of the rest of the world put together.
The military budget is nothing but an entitlement to the military and security. To hide this fact, the entitlement is disguised as a protection against the "enemies" and then passed through the Pentagon.
I say, we eliminate the middleman and simply distribute a percentage of the federal budget to the military and security. In this way we will not need to invent excuses to invade other countries and go to war with the sole purpose of giving the military and its defense of entitlements. It would be far cheaper to give money directly, and also save a lot of lives and suffering at home and abroad.
the U.S. invasion of Iraq really had nothing to do with U.S. national interests. It had to do with the profits on armaments and the elimination of an obstacle to Israeli territorial expansion. The cost of the war, more than 3 trillion dollars, was of 4,000 Americans dead, over 30,000 injured and maimed tens of thousands of American marriages and destroyed careers lost Irackeni a million dead, four Irackeni million displaced and a country reduced to rubble.
All this was done for the profits of the military and security so that the paranoid and even Israel, armed with 200 nuclear bombs, could feel "safe."
My proposal would make the military and defense even richer because the companies would receive the money without having to make weapons. Rather, all the money could be used for bonuses and multimillion-dollar dividends to shareholders. No one, at home or abroad, should be killed, and the taxpayer would be far happier.
There is no national interest in the American war in Afghanistan. As revealed by former British Ambassador Craig Murray, the aim of war is to protect the interests of a Unocal pipeline through Afghanistan. The cost of the war is far greater investment in the oil dell'Unocal. The obvious solution is to buy the Unocal oil pipeline and give the Afghans as partial compensation for the destruction we have inflicted on this country and its people, and bring the troops home.
The reason for my reasonable solutions are not implemented is that the lobbies think that their entitlements would not survive if they become evident to all. They think that if the American people knew that wars are being fought to enrich the arms industries and oil, people would stop wars.
In fact, the American people has no right to an opinion on what "his" government is doing. Polls show that half or more than half of the American people do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and does not support the escalation of President Obama regarding the war in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the occupations and wars continue. According to General Stanley McChrystal, the 40.000 additional troops are enough to stall the war, that is, to make it go on forever, an ideal situation for the arms lobby.
The people want health care, but the government does not listen.
The people want a job, but Wall Street wants more expensive shares and forcing companies to shift American jobs to countries where labor is cheaper.
The American people have no control over anything. It can not affect anything. E 'became irrelevant as Obama. It will continue to be irrelevant as long as organized interest groups can buy the U.S. government.
The failure of American democracy to produce any outcome that the voters want is a proven fact. The complete absence of reaction of the government to the people is the contribution that conservatism has given to American democracy. A few years ago there was an attempt to put the government in the hands of the people by putting a brake on the ability of interest groups organized to pay huge sums of money in political campaigns and, therefore, require the officers to be elected to those employees who had paid the money. The Conservatives said that any restriction would be a violation of the First Amenda which guarantees freedom of speech.
The same "protectors" of the "free speech" did not have any objection, however, when the Israel lobby had to pass the bill on 'hate speech, "which criminalized criticism the genocidal treatment of the Palestinians and that Israel reserves the constant theft of their land.
In less than a year, President Obama has betrayed all his supporters and broke all his promises. Obama is the prisoner of the oligarchy of the prevailing interest groups. Unless you are saved from such an event orchestrated the Sept. 11, the Obama presidency will not last more than one term. In reality, the economy to collapse the damned, regardless of a "terrorist attack".
The Republicans are preparing to Palin. Our first female president, after our first black president, will complete the transition to a state police arrested American critics and immoral foreign policy and domestic protesters in Washington, and Palin will complete its destruction of America's reputation abroad.
Putin's Russia has already compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany, and the Chinese premier has compared the U.S. to a debtor's irresponsible and immoral.
So growing the rest of the world sees the U.S. as the sole source of all their problems. Germany lost the head of its armed forces and its defense minister, because the U.S. convinced prepend or, in one way or another, the German government to violate its own constitution and send troops to fight for the interests of Unocal in Afghanistan. The Germans have pretending that their troops were not really fighting, but that they were engaged in a "peacekeeping operation". This worked more or less until the Germans have ordered a Scripting plane crash that killed over 100 women and children who waited in line for a bit of fuel.
The British are investigating their criminal leader, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and deception that stood up against his own council of ministers to provide an excuse to Bush for his illegal invasion of Iraq. British investigators have been denied the ability to present criminal charges, but the issue of war based entirely on a machine of lies and deceit is being well-spread. RiecheggierĂ for the whole planet, and the world will see that there is no similar survey in the U.S., the country where it originated from the False War.
Meanwhile, U.S. investment banks, which have destroyed the financial stability of many governments, including the U.S., remain in control, as they have done since the Clinton administration, the economic and financial policy of the U.S.. The world has suffered in a terrible way for the gangsters of Wall Street, and now look to America with a critical eye.
United States do not raise more than that elicited under President Ronald Reagan or President George Herbert Walker Bush. Polls show the world that the U.S. and its puppet head is seen as the two greatest threats to peace. Washington and Israel than in the list of the most dangerous nutcase regime of North Korea.
The world is beginning to see America as a country that has to go on. When the dollar is over-inflated by a Washington unable to pay its bills, the world will be motivated by greed and try to save to save his investment, or will say, thank God, that liberation.