"In the world every three seconds a child dies, of which 90% to easily preventable causes" .
, said the report "The new challenge: to put a stop to child mortality " presented yesterday by Save the Children.

According to Save the Children, based on current trend of annual improvement, the fourth Millennium Development Goal that aims to reduce the mortality by two thirds child, will be achieved in 2045 instead of 2015. And that means millions of children still die, because they have put in place simple, low cost solutions, however, can mean the difference between life and death. Among them the assistance of skilled personnel during delivery, immediate post-natal care, preventive and therapeutic treatments for pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria, support for nutrition, breast feeding, supplementary nutrition, economic resources and broader security programs social.
Several countries have shown, however, that change is possible. Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, China, Mexico, Nepal and Philippines are on track to achieve the specific objective of the Millennium.
And some of them are successful in spite of problems of weak governance and corruption and in a context of deep poverty. But to believe in change, you can also consider the more developed countries: in 1900, the infant mortality rate in the United Kingdom was 140 dead babies per 1,000 live births, while the U.S. was 100 per 1,000, the worst rates of that recorded currently in Liberia (93 in 1000).
Save the Children intends to put pressure on governments to increase the funds allocated to interventions to promote maternal and child health. It is estimated, in fact, that it would take an investment additional 36 to 45 billion dollars a year, more than the figure of 31 billion in 2008 to reduce infant and maternal mortality, a figure that represents less than half of what is spent annually on bottled water. By contrast, the overall impact of maternal and neonatal deaths is estimated at 15 billion dollars a year, in terms of lost productivity.
" According to the latest official data available, the appropriations of GDP for Official Development Assistance (ODA) to position the Italian government last place among the OECD countries. In fact, in 2009 our country is last in the list "- said Valerio Blacks, Director General of Save the Children Italy. " Against a very dramatic situation, which needs more investment, especially in view of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Save the Children is calling on the Italian government for a substantial increase in the allocation of ODA, in order to reach 0, gradually to reach 3% to 0.7% of GDP, in accordance with international commitments taken by Italy. In particular, the next 5 years will be critical to develop bilateral activities aimed at ensuring that package of interventions are simple, inexpensive and already clearly identified, which are able to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and mothers in countries with high rate di mortalità ”.
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