Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Can I Fill In A Broken Bar Neon?
Brunelli's family visited the small Andreina
The family has Brunelli take advantage of a vacation in the Dominican Republic to visit Andreina, the child sustained a distance through Solidaria Onlus.
We asked them to write a few lines on this experience, like Mr. Franco said by telephone, he " changed our outlook on life .
After about 2 years after the adoption of a beautiful baby girl, Andreina, I had the joy with my family, to be able to go to find Bohechio , the Dominican Republic. The meeting sparked tantissine emotions in each of us being there in front of her, the place where he lives, made us realize how many problems they face in daily life. At that time we wanted (and could) do to embrace all those who feel our love. However, a small concrete action we did it once: also require the adoption of his brother, Carlos. In fact, we realized that many things we needed in our world, are quite unnecessary, when confronted with these realities of life.
And especially for my children was important and instructive to know Andreina, Carlos and their world.
This wonderful experience was made possible firstly to a colleague of my wife, who for years worked with Solidaria and have it made known, then volunteers to Solidaria found in Santo Domingo: Rosa Alba, Domingo, Ezekiel, Jacinto, Liliana Jail and who welcomed us with friendship and joy (typical character Dominicans), putting us at ease immediately. So returning from this trip, the only comment we would like to do is hope to return as soon as our foster children and hope that our enthusiasm to others.
Franco Brunelli
Monday, January 18, 2010
Colours That Go With A Walnut Bedroom
Project HAARP
"A sudden climatic upheaval will lead 'to a global catastrophe of monumental proportions ... bringing whole nations disappear beneath the sea and the few survivors to fight for scarce food resources , water and energy. " (From a report on "secret" of the Pentagon).
C'E 'someone to play with numbers?
Perhaps the date - December 26, 2002 (Cyclone Zoe in Polynesia), December 26, 2003 (earthquake in Iran), December 26, 2004, tsunami wave nelll'Oceano Indian - are just a coincidence. Perhaps it is not true - beyond the date - that the tsunami of December 2004, as suggested by some sites of "conspiracy" was caused by a technological secret experiment (some say even "wanted"), but this is certainly not enough to completely discard the idea that with the control atmospheric men have never considered playing. Indeed. The same suspicion of the "paranoid" about the recent tsunami is likely they could never be born, if the premises, at least generally, to such a folly had not existed in the first place (the imagination is always in need of a real foothold in order to give the its best fruits).
Over the centuries, climate change represented one of the most powerful catalysts of human thoughts, influencing the beliefs and actions, moods and decisions, always in a way seemingly random, but in fact guided by the iron logic of nature.
However the industrial revolution to now we have begun to inflict some injury, and the Earth today is not more than the days of old, where everything was in perfect balance bio-environment.
But while the most visible alarms appear in the scientific community about global warming, is perhaps the greatest risk, virtually ignored by the media, a climate change for military purposes.
there since 1992, a project of the U.S. Department of Defense, coordinated by the Navy and air force, called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-). It 's the very heart of the largest - and most well-known - events "Star Wars" launched in the early eighties under Reagan-Bush administrations,
As often happens, the facade of the operation has noble aims: the academic study of the ionosphere and the development of new radar techniques that enable easy communications with submarines and make possible radiographs of land, to detect weapons or equipment to tens of kilometers in depth, to confirm this, is online at the project site, which depicts the image of a harmless scientific station, complete with a webcam. (1)
The reality, as always, lies beyond the surface.
In the eighties, Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist at MIT in Boston, Texas, inspired by the discoveries of Nikola Tesla, registered in the U.S. Patent No. 4,686,605 entitled "Method and equipment to change a region of the atmosphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere Earth," which made it follow other eleven. In one of these was described in the reflective properties of the ionosphere for use as "systems-ray energy", "gradual nuclear explosions without radiation," "detection and destruction of nuclear missiles" and "space radar systems."
Some of these inventions were acquired by ARCO, which owns large reserves of natural gas in Alaska, which could thus be converted into electricity through the ionosphere distributable to its customers around the world: the vision of Tesla to distribute free energy free wireless and in homes around the world was partly achieved, although conceptually distorted by powerful economic interests.
In addition, these inventions made it possible to manipulate the climate and create rain when needed to promote agriculture or neutralize destructive phenomena such as tornadoes and hurricanes.
At this point, the government entered the scene, and the history became more complicated.
All Eastlund's patents were first sealed under an order of secrecy, and then go to E-Systems, a leading supplier of advanced intelligence services of many world powers, then absorbed by Raytheon, one of four major suppliers the U.S. defense, a manufacturer of Tomahawk missiles, Stinger (they often ended up in the hands of countries rogue and terrorist groups "), and the infamous Bunker Buster. connections with power are summarized in the figure of Richard Armitage, now Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Bush administration. Armitage, a former consultant, a member of the Board, the petitioner and strong supporter of the PNAC, is also implicated in many CIA covert operations from Vietnam to today.
According to the findings of Eastlund, HAARP's power to direct a specific point in the ionosphere would heat up enough to raise it physically, so as to create a bulge highly reflective, which he called "lens effect", able to deliver rays on the earth with devastating effect: the power of these waves would be likely to cause molecular changes of the atmosphere, resulting - according to the different frequencies - climate change, possible disruption of human mental processes, and perhaps, indeed, effects on tectonic movements of unknown magnitude.
The current geopolitical events could be already felt years ago, reading the prophetic books as of Zbygniew Brzezinski Grand Chessboard, 1997, or the programmatic texts of the PNAC, Project for a New American Century, the same year.
we can do the same now looking statements and writings of influential thinkers and military brass, compared to the relatively near future. The same
Brzezinski, Security Adviser to the time of Carter, as early as 1970 he wrote in his book "Between Two Age '": "Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, which will require the use of a small number of security forces [...] weather modification techniques can be used to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. "date back to those times, albeit in rudimentary form, the first studies war climate, such as Project Popeye to extend the monsoon season in Vietnam.
The most interesting document is the study carried out by seven U.S. military officers in August 1996, entitled: "Climate change as a multiplier of power: having control in 2025, "born of a directive of the Commander of U.S. Air Force, which aims to stimulate intellectual debate among the members of the army, which states: "In 2025 U.S. aerospace forces can have climate control if they have capitalized on new technologies developed in key war-fighting applications. [...] From improving the operations of the allies and the cancellation of the enemy by climate scenarios" tailored to the complete domination of global communications and space, the weather modification offers to those who fight a war a wide range of possible ways to defeat or subdue an opponent. " (2)
These proposals are confirmed by a subsequent 2003 study, entitled "Mastering the final battlefield: the next steps in the use of military space" by the Rand Corporation's Project Air Force, a think-tank linked to the oil and arms lobbies that had Donald Rumsfeld as an administrator, and on whose board of directors figure Lewis Libbey, PNAC founding member and current director of the staff of Dick Cheney.
The concept behind this relationship is the "Full Spectrum Dominance", ie a policy of exceptional military investments aimed at conquering and maintaining a position of superiority in space, even to his absolute control.
That would require those who want to fight the empire to do so only by land and sea.
In this regard, are particularly significant words of the Commander in Chief of U.S. Space Command, Joseph W. Ashy: "Some people do not want to hear about it. But we are definitely coming to fight in space. We will fight from space and space. One day or another will strike ground targets - ships, planes and targets on the mainland - from space."
On 22 February 2004, the Observer published a report "secret", commissioned by Andrew Marshall, an influential adviser to Rumsfeld, who had escaped the Pentagon, and concludes: "A sudden climatic upheaval will lead to global catastrophe monumental proportions, including nuclear war and natural disasters, bringing whole nations disappear beneath the sea and the few survivors to fight for scarce food resources, water and energy. "
description may seem a distant future by Hollywood movie, but in 2006 will be the launch of the Falcon demonstration in the stratosphere, a drone armed with nuclear warheads capable of flying height of 100,000 feet, the speed 'of 12 times that of sound, virtually unassailable, whose future developments will make it able to strike anywhere from the territory of the United States.
2006 was also the year that HAARP will be equipped with the remaining transmitters, leading to maximum power. Also to help agriculture?
There are many voices of protest about these crazy and destructive projects. Among them, the world-renowned scientist Rosalie Bertell reports that "U.S. military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the growth of storms and the diversion of rivers of the Earth's atmosphere to produce steam drought or flooding targeted. " Richard Williams, a physicist at Princeton University and consultant, says that "the test of overheating of the ionosphere is an irresponsible act of global vandalism [...] HAARP could be a serious threat to the Earth's atmosphere. With such experiments , irreparable damage could be done in a short time. "
Some researchers already suspected of connected with the recent climatic changes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, widespread drought. (3)
the Russian parliament, the Duma, in 2002 issued the following statement, signed by 188 MPs: "Under the HAARP program, the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the natural elements with high-frequency radio waves. The significance of this shift is comparable to the transition from the gun white to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear ones. " Some scientists worry that the ionosphere could collapse to electrical imbalance, concluding: "We can really threaten to tamper with something that still do not understand at all, and that belongs to all life (not just human) on this planet? "
Recently Russian President Putin has announced that it has developed a new type of ballistic missile by remote control, able to change route during the trip and making it virtually useless, therefore, the defense shield in space: it's a bluff or not, it is certain that the U.S. military projects in recent years have generated an unprecedented arms race that should be resized very regulated and, unfortunately, this is hampered by the fact that the only remaining superpower has arrogated to itself the right to judge them according to their interests as evil or not, being so done to pave the way for a new cold war of global dimensions.
Russia itself has carried out several projects based on the discoveries of Tesla since the fifties, in parallel with clinical trials in the United States, only to slow them down also because of economic collapse. I wonder if a certain Emmanuel Todd, the French researcher who predicted the end of the 'Soviet empire in 1976 ("The final collapse"), still not right this time: measuring the same indicators, in his latest work "After the Empire" , 2003, he announced the dissolution of the last remaining superpower.
For now, China is silent.
As Brecht said: "Science in the service of power, only creates damage to the whole mankind. "
Written by Roberto Toso for
Sources: The New York Times, Heart Island Journal, BBC, Canadian Working TV, Earthpulse Press, others.
(1) Official site of the project HAARP:
(2) The entire analysis and 'that is available at mil/au/2025 /
(3) In this regard, please read the analysis of Michel Chossudovksy,
"A sudden climatic upheaval will lead 'to a global catastrophe of monumental proportions ... bringing whole nations disappear beneath the sea and the few survivors to fight for scarce food resources , water and energy. " (From a report on "secret" of the Pentagon).
C'E 'someone to play with numbers?
Perhaps the date - December 26, 2002 (Cyclone Zoe in Polynesia), December 26, 2003 (earthquake in Iran), December 26, 2004, tsunami wave nelll'Oceano Indian - are just a coincidence. Perhaps it is not true - beyond the date - that the tsunami of December 2004, as suggested by some sites of "conspiracy" was caused by a technological secret experiment (some say even "wanted"), but this is certainly not enough to completely discard the idea that with the control atmospheric men have never considered playing. Indeed. The same suspicion of the "paranoid" about the recent tsunami is likely they could never be born, if the premises, at least generally, to such a folly had not existed in the first place (the imagination is always in need of a real foothold in order to give the its best fruits).
Over the centuries, climate change represented one of the most powerful catalysts of human thoughts, influencing the beliefs and actions, moods and decisions, always in a way seemingly random, but in fact guided by the iron logic of nature.
However the industrial revolution to now we have begun to inflict some injury, and the Earth today is not more than the days of old, where everything was in perfect balance bio-environment.
But while the most visible alarms appear in the scientific community about global warming, is perhaps the greatest risk, virtually ignored by the media, a climate change for military purposes.
there since 1992, a project of the U.S. Department of Defense, coordinated by the Navy and air force, called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-). It 's the very heart of the largest - and most well-known - events "Star Wars" launched in the early eighties under Reagan-Bush administrations,
now is accelerating its military spending by a travel junkie never seen before, usually justified by the Orwellian doublethink: "The War is peace. "
The main base occupies a large area of \u200b\u200bHAARP in Gakona, Alaska, on whose land you are running a series of 180 aluminum pillars 23 meters high, on each of which are a pair of antennas for low band and one for the high band, capable of transmitting high-frequency waves up to a distance of 350 km. These waves would be addressable to strategic areas of the planet, both terrestrial and atmospheric.
The main base occupies a large area of \u200b\u200bHAARP in Gakona, Alaska, on whose land you are running a series of 180 aluminum pillars 23 meters high, on each of which are a pair of antennas for low band and one for the high band, capable of transmitting high-frequency waves up to a distance of 350 km. These waves would be addressable to strategic areas of the planet, both terrestrial and atmospheric.
As often happens, the facade of the operation has noble aims: the academic study of the ionosphere and the development of new radar techniques that enable easy communications with submarines and make possible radiographs of land, to detect weapons or equipment to tens of kilometers in depth, to confirm this, is online at the project site, which depicts the image of a harmless scientific station, complete with a webcam. (1)
The reality, as always, lies beyond the surface.
In the eighties, Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist at MIT in Boston, Texas, inspired by the discoveries of Nikola Tesla, registered in the U.S. Patent No. 4,686,605 entitled "Method and equipment to change a region of the atmosphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere Earth," which made it follow other eleven. In one of these was described in the reflective properties of the ionosphere for use as "systems-ray energy", "gradual nuclear explosions without radiation," "detection and destruction of nuclear missiles" and "space radar systems."
Some of these inventions were acquired by ARCO, which owns large reserves of natural gas in Alaska, which could thus be converted into electricity through the ionosphere distributable to its customers around the world: the vision of Tesla to distribute free energy free wireless and in homes around the world was partly achieved, although conceptually distorted by powerful economic interests.
In addition, these inventions made it possible to manipulate the climate and create rain when needed to promote agriculture or neutralize destructive phenomena such as tornadoes and hurricanes.
At this point, the government entered the scene, and the history became more complicated.
All Eastlund's patents were first sealed under an order of secrecy, and then go to E-Systems, a leading supplier of advanced intelligence services of many world powers, then absorbed by Raytheon, one of four major suppliers the U.S. defense, a manufacturer of Tomahawk missiles, Stinger (they often ended up in the hands of countries rogue and terrorist groups "), and the infamous Bunker Buster. connections with power are summarized in the figure of Richard Armitage, now Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Bush administration. Armitage, a former consultant, a member of the Board, the petitioner and strong supporter of the PNAC, is also implicated in many CIA covert operations from Vietnam to today.
According to the findings of Eastlund, HAARP's power to direct a specific point in the ionosphere would heat up enough to raise it physically, so as to create a bulge highly reflective, which he called "lens effect", able to deliver rays on the earth with devastating effect: the power of these waves would be likely to cause molecular changes of the atmosphere, resulting - according to the different frequencies - climate change, possible disruption of human mental processes, and perhaps, indeed, effects on tectonic movements of unknown magnitude.
The current geopolitical events could be already felt years ago, reading the prophetic books as of Zbygniew Brzezinski Grand Chessboard, 1997, or the programmatic texts of the PNAC, Project for a New American Century, the same year.
we can do the same now looking statements and writings of influential thinkers and military brass, compared to the relatively near future. The same
Brzezinski, Security Adviser to the time of Carter, as early as 1970 he wrote in his book "Between Two Age '": "Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, which will require the use of a small number of security forces [...] weather modification techniques can be used to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. "date back to those times, albeit in rudimentary form, the first studies war climate, such as Project Popeye to extend the monsoon season in Vietnam.
The most interesting document is the study carried out by seven U.S. military officers in August 1996, entitled: "Climate change as a multiplier of power: having control in 2025, "born of a directive of the Commander of U.S. Air Force, which aims to stimulate intellectual debate among the members of the army, which states: "In 2025 U.S. aerospace forces can have climate control if they have capitalized on new technologies developed in key war-fighting applications. [...] From improving the operations of the allies and the cancellation of the enemy by climate scenarios" tailored to the complete domination of global communications and space, the weather modification offers to those who fight a war a wide range of possible ways to defeat or subdue an opponent. " (2)
These proposals are confirmed by a subsequent 2003 study, entitled "Mastering the final battlefield: the next steps in the use of military space" by the Rand Corporation's Project Air Force, a think-tank linked to the oil and arms lobbies that had Donald Rumsfeld as an administrator, and on whose board of directors figure Lewis Libbey, PNAC founding member and current director of the staff of Dick Cheney.
The concept behind this relationship is the "Full Spectrum Dominance", ie a policy of exceptional military investments aimed at conquering and maintaining a position of superiority in space, even to his absolute control.
That would require those who want to fight the empire to do so only by land and sea.
In this regard, are particularly significant words of the Commander in Chief of U.S. Space Command, Joseph W. Ashy: "Some people do not want to hear about it. But we are definitely coming to fight in space. We will fight from space and space. One day or another will strike ground targets - ships, planes and targets on the mainland - from space."
On 22 February 2004, the Observer published a report "secret", commissioned by Andrew Marshall, an influential adviser to Rumsfeld, who had escaped the Pentagon, and concludes: "A sudden climatic upheaval will lead to global catastrophe monumental proportions, including nuclear war and natural disasters, bringing whole nations disappear beneath the sea and the few survivors to fight for scarce food resources, water and energy. "
description may seem a distant future by Hollywood movie, but in 2006 will be the launch of the Falcon demonstration in the stratosphere, a drone armed with nuclear warheads capable of flying height of 100,000 feet, the speed 'of 12 times that of sound, virtually unassailable, whose future developments will make it able to strike anywhere from the territory of the United States.
2006 was also the year that HAARP will be equipped with the remaining transmitters, leading to maximum power. Also to help agriculture?
There are many voices of protest about these crazy and destructive projects. Among them, the world-renowned scientist Rosalie Bertell reports that "U.S. military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include the growth of storms and the diversion of rivers of the Earth's atmosphere to produce steam drought or flooding targeted. " Richard Williams, a physicist at Princeton University and consultant, says that "the test of overheating of the ionosphere is an irresponsible act of global vandalism [...] HAARP could be a serious threat to the Earth's atmosphere. With such experiments , irreparable damage could be done in a short time. "
Some researchers already suspected of connected with the recent climatic changes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, widespread drought. (3)
the Russian parliament, the Duma, in 2002 issued the following statement, signed by 188 MPs: "Under the HAARP program, the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the natural elements with high-frequency radio waves. The significance of this shift is comparable to the transition from the gun white to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear ones. " Some scientists worry that the ionosphere could collapse to electrical imbalance, concluding: "We can really threaten to tamper with something that still do not understand at all, and that belongs to all life (not just human) on this planet? "
Recently Russian President Putin has announced that it has developed a new type of ballistic missile by remote control, able to change route during the trip and making it virtually useless, therefore, the defense shield in space: it's a bluff or not, it is certain that the U.S. military projects in recent years have generated an unprecedented arms race that should be resized very regulated and, unfortunately, this is hampered by the fact that the only remaining superpower has arrogated to itself the right to judge them according to their interests as evil or not, being so done to pave the way for a new cold war of global dimensions.
Russia itself has carried out several projects based on the discoveries of Tesla since the fifties, in parallel with clinical trials in the United States, only to slow them down also because of economic collapse. I wonder if a certain Emmanuel Todd, the French researcher who predicted the end of the 'Soviet empire in 1976 ("The final collapse"), still not right this time: measuring the same indicators, in his latest work "After the Empire" , 2003, he announced the dissolution of the last remaining superpower.
For now, China is silent.
As Brecht said: "Science in the service of power, only creates damage to the whole mankind. "
Written by Roberto Toso for
Sources: The New York Times, Heart Island Journal, BBC, Canadian Working TV, Earthpulse Press, others.
(1) Official site of the project HAARP:
(2) The entire analysis and 'that is available at mil/au/2025 /
(3) In this regard, please read the analysis of Michel Chossudovksy,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What Fondant Doss Cake Boss Use
come of good wishes Children
This year quite e are sent to all our supporters the best wishes of their little friends in recent weeks our offices were filled with parcels arrived from the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Mozambique with thousands of greeting cards and pictures that we have done to send to supporters.
It was not a trivial work: every time the match starts get a job sorting and verification that, for many days, our committed staff. But it is an activity that is done willingly in the knowledge that the contact between supporters and beneficiaries is one of the components that form the basis of distance support.
The arrival of greeting cards is also an opportunity to meet our little friends. A simple letter, perhaps accompanied by a postcard or by one of our photography is a medium that makes a child happy and makes him understand that it is not alone but is supported by someone who, even from far away, cares for its growth, his education and its development.
Here are some tips for your answers:
* set attached to your letter of postcards, drawings or photographs
* Do not send money or valuables: Do not ever come near.
* always insert the code and the full name of child recipient.
For more information, visit the section of our site dedicated to the correspondence by clicking here.
Wishing you a happy continuation of a peaceful New Year, we send our best regards.
staff Solidaria Onlus
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