Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can I Fill In A Broken Bar Neon?

Brunelli's family visited the small Andreina

The family has Brunelli take advantage of a vacation in the Dominican Republic to visit Andreina, the child sustained a distance through Solidaria Onlus.
We asked them to write a few lines on this experience, like Mr. Franco said by telephone, he " changed our outlook on life .

After about 2 years after the adoption of a beautiful baby girl, Andreina, I had the joy with my family, to be able to go to find Bohechio , the Dominican Republic. The meeting sparked tantissine emotions in each of us being there in front of her, the place where he lives, made us realize how many problems they face in daily life. At that time we wanted (and could) do to embrace all those who feel our love. However, a small concrete action we did it once: also require the adoption of his brother, Carlos. In fact, we realized that many things we needed in our world, are quite unnecessary, when confronted with these realities of life.
And especially for my children was important and instructive to know Andreina, Carlos and their world.

This wonderful experience was made possible firstly to a colleague of my wife, who for years worked with Solidaria and have it made known, then volunteers to Solidaria found in Santo Domingo: Rosa Alba, Domingo, Ezekiel, Jacinto, Liliana Jail and who welcomed us with friendship and joy (typical character Dominicans), putting us at ease immediately. So returning from this trip, the only comment we would like to do is hope to return as soon as our foster children and hope that our enthusiasm to others.

Franco Brunelli


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