A seminar on the Rights of Children
Respect for the rights of children, enshrined in the Convention on International Child , is the indispensable foundation of everything we do to improve the living conditions and development of children, particularly in the areas of 'education of health and nutrition . In developing countries, development is not always the rights of children are recognized and respected, millions of children around the world have no access to school , are subject to violence and child labor. Their childhood there.
Also in Mozambique, even though it ratified the International Convention of the Child, many of these are not recognized or they lack the conditions for their application. The census of 2007 reveals that children account for 45.8 percent of the population. Of these, about one million are living in difficult circumstances: street children, orphans, prisoners, workers or subject to violence.
, 68 percent of the population lives in rural localities where poverty is high and access to basic services (health, education and nutrition) are difficult. In a society where basic human rights are neglected, difficult children can grow in respect of those rights. The disclosure, a prelude to actual implementation, is a necessary step for the development and the reduction of poverty and is the basis for the recognition of other equally important rights: economic, political, social and cultural rights.
The seminar organized by Solidaria and Acção Solidaridad, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social , had the purpose of increasing knowledge of youth in this area by including, on the basis experiences of each food for thought today on the operations carried out, assessing the impact of activities carried out, identifying gaps and suggesting new strategies for future interventions.
At the end of the seminar was a manual that will be used by our staff in direct contact with children and their families, and contribute to reducing the violation of children's rights: an act of respect towards all children who see their rights now denied.
Also in Mozambique, even though it ratified the International Convention of the Child, many of these are not recognized or they lack the conditions for their application. The census of 2007 reveals that children account for 45.8 percent of the population. Of these, about one million are living in difficult circumstances: street children, orphans, prisoners, workers or subject to violence.
, 68 percent of the population lives in rural localities where poverty is high and access to basic services (health, education and nutrition) are difficult. In a society where basic human rights are neglected, difficult children can grow in respect of those rights. The disclosure, a prelude to actual implementation, is a necessary step for the development and the reduction of poverty and is the basis for the recognition of other equally important rights: economic, political, social and cultural rights.
The seminar organized by Solidaria and Acção Solidaridad, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social , had the purpose of increasing knowledge of youth in this area by including, on the basis experiences of each food for thought today on the operations carried out, assessing the impact of activities carried out, identifying gaps and suggesting new strategies for future interventions.
At the end of the seminar was a manual that will be used by our staff in direct contact with children and their families, and contribute to reducing the violation of children's rights: an act of respect towards all children who see their rights now denied.

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