Haiti: a hundred thousand people with cholera

"You try to control the epidemic, the good news is that it is already mobilized for the earthquake here in Haiti we are full of medical and humanitarian organizations, the answer is no, is consistent and immediate, but the center of the country without hospitals, without adequate services, and the infection comes from the river, you can not sterilize a river, "said a trader of international cooperation.
Ten months after the earthquake, an epidemic of cholera has exploded in the capital Port-au-Prince, after the first cases in the north. According to the WHO might have originated from contamination of the Artibonite River, where it was found the same bacteria present in Southeast Asia. The population's anger was unleashed against the UN peacekeepers of Nepalese origin, in a sort of hunting all'untore unleashed by the collective panic. To coordinate the contrast of the epidemic and treat the infected and the time especially Doctors Without Borders, a providential presence, but also a sign that the local government and the Ministry of Health does not have the resources and the ability to take charge of the situation.
The latest tragedy in Haiti has exploded despite the work and the massive presence of several humanitarian organizations. Have been avoided? "Cholera breaks out only if there is the vibrio responsible for the disease in Haiti and so far there was no" explain the Doctors Without Borders, "Actually, after the earthquake but there were fears of cholera outbreaks of tetanus, typhoid, measles and is now playing vaccination. What is certain is that in Haiti, and particularly in Port-au-Prince were all the conditions for cholera exploded, or poor hygienic conditions, poor access to clean, safe water, overcrowding in the camps. "
Almost a year after the earthquake are one million and 500 thousand people still living in tented camps. In Port-au-Prince in a year are only being moved in the rubble, there are no signs of reconstruction. The NGOs have been distributing emergency aid, worked on the rehabilitation of schools, built latrines and drinking water supply points, but the reconstruction of homes it is for the government with the support United Nations agencies, but according to information circulating in Haiti, no one will be unlocked until after the elections, scheduled for Nov. 28. Taking into account that the new president of Haiti should take office in February, the reconstruction plan will still have to wait.
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