Monday, February 28, 2011

Nicotine Patches And Blistering

1st run on the beach - February 27, 2011

was held yesterday, the first edition of the race called "Run to the sea" with a non-competitive route 4 km from Levanto to Bonassola through the tunnels in the picturesque old railway line just reopened and transformed into the cycling lane with many vantage points that overlook the delightful coves. In addition to the non competitive walk was also provided for a competitive race of about 12.700 km. This race is in the circuit of Stralevanto Mesco and under the stars.
Who will run all three races will be included in the rankings and will be entitled to a bottle of authentic schiachetrĂ .
The event was organized by municipalities and Bonassola Levanto, Pro Loco Bonassola Stralevanto 2000, Group of Genoa City, Tourist office blue eyes, and runners of Levanto and Levantoinforma Bonassola. Registration
was € 3.00 for the non-competitive and € 6.00 for competitive.
The competition package consisted of a bottle of wine.
To facilitate the participants were also provided a shuttle bus to transport bags Bonassola leaving at 9.45. Awaiting the arrival
all (runners and leaders) with a snack cakes, pies and cakes, wine tasting in the valley and pasta party.
Premiums for larger groups and for the first 20 men and 10 women first.

I have participated in the competitive and, despite bad weather (more ads than real), I really enjoyed myself, maybe we were less than those that might be expected if it had been a day of good weather but even so we were 95 and you complete the race began under a very light drizzle that gave no trouble and that, during the race was stopped on arrival also giving some hints so fill .
excellent organization to carry bags on arrival (very easy), the service showers (of which few have benefited), the final refreshment (excellent and plentiful) and for having ensured the closure to traffic all the way, this has allowed us to concentrate on racing (and watching the breathtaking views that were presented to our eyes) without having to worry about avoiding the cars and racing on the roadside.
The route begins as the non-competitive in front of the town of Levanto and went for the old galleries just reopened in Bonassola arrived they had a tour of the country and took to the road leading east and Deiva, arrived at the junction (after about 2.5 km uphill) began runs down to Levanto, from there we reopen the tunnel to reach the arrival in the pedestrian zone Bonassola.

Who wants to see the standings of the race can be found on the blog of Paul Pelloni or this link .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Call To The Four Watchtowers

Alleniamoci with Kim Strother

In this post I present a series of exercises that are not created specifically for runners but they serve to maintain good general shape and can be very useful for people who do the race. They are useful for the core and legs, are easy and fast to make and are presented very clearly.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cervix Higher Before Menses

Rome Marathon 1960

marathon in Rome in 1960, when he won an "unknown" Ethiopian running barefoot!
That "unknown" was the famous Abebe Bikila and his company was impressed in the annals of the marathon.
Last year, during the sixteenth edition of the Rome Marathon, fifty years from that splendid victory, many runners have walked the last meters of the trail barefoot in his honor, so the race pack, backpack, reported its number, eleven for a fitting tribute. The next
March 20 there will be the seventeenth edition of this wonderful marathon.

The video is divided into two parts.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Electric Blue Jack Cichlid


As all runners know, stretching is very important, we can say that is the basis for a long time and run smoothly (or at least, limiting). But often we "forget" to do so or because we are in a hurry or because we like to run and do other exercises.
But ... should be made!
There are many opinions about when to do it, before a race or a workout, now later, after a certain time, etc.., each sees his own way but all agree that this is needed.
Those that I propose in this post are good to do after a workout or even after several hours of a stroke and, again, as an exercise in the days of rest. Personally, I think, before a race is best to do dynamic stretching exercises which I will talk in a future post.
These exercises I found on the website of Runner's World , of \u200b\u200bwhich I mentioned in a previous post . You can download the image by clicking on the right muse and clicking "Save Image As ..." or download it directly from the site of Runner's World link to this .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Watch Full P90x Workout Online Free

Park aqueducts stretching exercises for the abdominals

found in Rome I went to the park to run the aqueducts had been before the last time I was in the capital and, now, I think it will become a fixture of my stay in Rome because I am a guest in the area is very comfortable and I get there. As the site says (from which I took the map) the park is very big and can run and ride a bike between the evocative ruins of the aqueducts of imperial Rome and the Renaissance aqueduct Felice. On the site you can find many information to run in Rome and, in the section entitled "Running in Rome" , places, divided by area, where you can practice walking. You can download all the maps including any fountains, paths, measured and relevant information. A very interesting site.

to persuade them to go jogging in the park of the aqueducts (in case you were ever there), here's a beautiful image of the park is from Wikipedia.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Viral Blisters In Infants White

- standing with the elastic

I have already put this video in another post , when I talked about the marathon of Pisa and the snow that has made that were annulled; I want to propose it once again because I intend to create a series of posts dedicated solely to the exercises. I will consider the core stability, and other points of sail, to the extent possible, all posts will be accompanied by video and / or pictures to help those without a coach or someone who can teach the correct exercise.
starts from this area that serve to strengthen the core, very important to run good and strong.
As I said, are published on the number of Runner's World in December 2010, p. 53; the video, in English, is drawn from the international version of the site where Runner's World, the video section, you can find many more videos very interesting.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jet Li-unleashed En Streaming

... Both!

After the half marathon Livorno, yesterday I ran my second half marathon half marathon the International two pearls.
So remember the medals are now two.
regard to race, I must say that I was very happy, I chose it because it runs in beautiful places, the path, it departs from and arrives in Santa Margherita Ligure Portofino, after a first turning point in the famous square to return to the Always start on the seafront road, crossing Paraggi and all the wonderful coastline for another turning point in the center of Santa Margherita Ligure and then another round to Portofino and return.
The participation was extraordinary (almost 2400 subscribers, just over the start of 2100 and 2005 arrived well) with the participation of the National Marathon Team who took the first four places in the men's race (ranked in order: Pertile, Curzi, Andriani and Bourifa) and athlete Emma Quaglia, who won the women's race in 1:13:20. The
beautiful day, with some clouds and a bit 'cold at the start but got a sun almost spring to late morning, did the rest.
Path not easy with many variations of pace and some climbs and descents (especially to and from the square of Portofino) that can not go in search of the PB. Even
only views that can be enjoyed along the way are worth the participation in this race. Although
interpreted this as a training race (a long time in preparation for a marathon) and a pain in the knee caused by the 27 km long. Friday's led me to not force too much I still have "filed" the time of 42 seconds made in Livorno, not many but given the circumstances (and the sloping path) are very satisfied and this confirms that the constant training and 'efforts are bearing fruit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monster Energy Modeling Agencies

Runner's World

After talking to the site, in a previous post , also point out the magazine. The magazine "Runnerìs World" published in several languages, the original English but there is also the Italian version with its drafting. It has a monthly basis for 12 issues per year and costs € 5.00 per copy, annual subscription allows you to save money, it costs € 48.00 for one year (12 issues).
I bought a few months and I always read with great pleasure.
As I said on the site, there are many interesting items, calendars, competitions and much more.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bed Skirts For Low Profile Box Springs

Quote of the month - February 2011

Sometimes to find your center must leave to help.