As all runners know, stretching is very important, we can say that is the basis for a long time and run smoothly (or at least, limiting). But often we "forget" to do so or because we are in a hurry or because we like to run and do other exercises.
But ... should be made!
There are many opinions about when to do it, before a race or a workout, now later, after a certain time, etc.., each sees his own way but all agree that this is needed.
Those that I propose in this post are good to do after a workout or even after several hours of a stroke and, again, as an exercise in the days of rest. Personally, I think, before a race is best to do dynamic stretching exercises which I will talk in a future post.
These exercises I found on the website of Runner's World , of \u200b\u200bwhich I mentioned in a previous post . You can download the image by clicking on the right muse and clicking "Save Image As ..." or download it directly from the site of Runner's World link to this .
But ... should be made!
There are many opinions about when to do it, before a race or a workout, now later, after a certain time, etc.., each sees his own way but all agree that this is needed.
Those that I propose in this post are good to do after a workout or even after several hours of a stroke and, again, as an exercise in the days of rest. Personally, I think, before a race is best to do dynamic stretching exercises which I will talk in a future post.
These exercises I found on the website of Runner's World , of \u200b\u200bwhich I mentioned in a previous post . You can download the image by clicking on the right muse and clicking "Save Image As ..." or download it directly from the site of Runner's World link to this .
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