1. the stupid harm society as a whole;
2. stupid people in power do more damage than others;
3. using the stupid democratic elections to maintain the high percentage of stupid people in power;
4. fools are more dangerous because of bandits reasonable people can understand the logic of the bandits;
5. reasonable by stupid because they are vulnerable: * generally are surprised by the * can not organize a rational defense because the attack has no rational structure.
1. the stupid harm society as a whole;
2. stupid people in power do more damage than others;
3. using the stupid democratic elections to maintain the high percentage of stupid people in power;
4. fools are more dangerous because of bandits reasonable people can understand the logic of the bandits;
5. reasonable by stupid because they are vulnerable: * generally are surprised by the * can not organize a rational defense because the attack has no rational structure.
First Law Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation: a) we believe that rational and intelligent people suddenly appear to be stupid beyond doubt;
b) day after day we put in everything we do by stupid people who invariably appear in the most inconvenient places.
It 's impossible to determine a percentage, since any number is too small.
Second Law The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person, often looks innocuous / naive, and it does lower the guard. If we study the percentage of stupid among the janitors who clean the classrooms after they left students and teachers, we find that is much higher than we thought. We may assume that is related to the low cultural level or the fact that people are not stupid people more opportunities to have good jobs. But if we look at students and university professors (or software designers) the rate is exactly the same. The militant feminists will get angry, but the percentage of stupid is the same in both sexes (or all depending on how the sexes are considered). You can not find any difference in the Y factor in race, ethnic, education, and so on.
b) day after day we put in everything we do by stupid people who invariably appear in the most inconvenient places.
It 's impossible to determine a percentage, since any number is too small.
Second Law The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person, often looks innocuous / naive, and it does lower the guard. If we study the percentage of stupid among the janitors who clean the classrooms after they left students and teachers, we find that is much higher than we thought. We may assume that is related to the low cultural level or the fact that people are not stupid people more opportunities to have good jobs. But if we look at students and university professors (or software designers) the rate is exactly the same. The militant feminists will get angry, but the percentage of stupid is the same in both sexes (or all depending on how the sexes are considered). You can not find any difference in the Y factor in race, ethnic, education, and so on.
Third Law A stupid person is the one who causes harm to another person or group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring a loss.
Fourth Law Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid people. Constantly forget that at any time and under any circumstances, treat and / or associate with stupid people infallibly proves to be a costly mistake.
Fifth Law A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person that exists. This is probably the most understandable laws to the common knowledge that intelligent people, though they may be hostile, they are predictable, while stupid people are not.
Moreover, his basic Corollary: "A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit" leads us to the essence of the Theory of Cipolla. There are four types of people depending on their behavior in a transaction:
- Wretch (unlucky) who with his action tends to cause damage to itself, but also creates the benefit to someone else -
Moreover, his basic Corollary: "A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit" leads us to the essence of the Theory of Cipolla. There are four types of people depending on their behavior in a transaction:
- Wretch (unlucky) who with his action tends to cause damage to itself, but also creates the benefit to someone else -
- Intelligent : who with his action tends to create advantages for itself, but also creates the benefit to someone else
- Bandito : who with his action tends to create advantages for itself, but also harms someone else
- Stupid : those who cause damage to another person or group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring a loss
Professor Cipolla
use a diagram like Figure 1. The X axis measures the benefits derived from their actions. The Y axis measures the benefits to others because of their actions. Clearly, people in Quadrant I are intelligent, people in Quadrant B are the bandits, the people in Quadrant D are unfortunate or unlucky, and people in Quadrant D are the fools. It 'also quite Clearly, depending on their location in this system people will have greater or lesser degree of stupidity, intelligence, banditry, etc.. You can develop a wide variety of combinations such as intelligent bandits and bandits stupid, depending on the benefit / harm ratio. The amount of damages should be measured from the perspective of the victim and not the bandit, and that is that most of the thieves and criminals are pretty stupid. Everyone can use this system to study the stupidity and process the application of the Theory of Onion in all its possible variations. But the story does not end here. If we draw a diagonal line between the axes, we see that the entire area is in the top right of this line corresponds to an improvement in the total budget of the system, while the events and people on the other side are associated with a deterioration. You can perform a variety of interesting analysis considering the variables in each of the quadrants as Sd and Sb, lb and Id, Ds and Di, or subquadranti many as one wishes. For example, the string M in the lower right side of the mesh defines the perfect bandit, one that causes just as much damage as in turn benefits. Obviously both sides of the diagonal are banned imperfect situations. Bi corresponds to the intelligent bandits and bandits to Bs stupid. In a world populated only by bandits perfect the system would remain balanced damage and benefits are eliminated each other. The same effect would occur in a world populated only by Unfortunate perfect. Theoretically intelligent people provide the greatest contribution to society in general. But, as it may look ugly, even the bandits intelligent contribute to an improvement in the company's balance sheet resulting in total more benefits than harm. The unfortunate people-smart, even if individual losses can take positive social effects. Indeed, when the stupidity comes into the picture, the damage is enormously greater than the benefit to anyone. This proves the original point: the only thing more dangerous than any human society is stupidity. Onion reports that, while the Y factor is constant over time, like space, a company takes a percentage rise in more intelligent people, as a company takes an alarming decline in percentage of bands with a strong factor of stupidity (subquadrante Bs ) among the people in power and also an alarming percentage of Unfortunate (area D) among those who are not in power. Cipolla also notes that intelligent people generally know they are, the bandits are also conscious of their attitude and also the unfortunate people have a strong suspicion that not everything goes the right way. But the stupid people know they are not stupid, and this is one more reason that makes them extremely dangerous. And that is painful and return to the original question: am I stupid? I passed several tests of coefficient of intelligence with good results. Unfortunately, I know how these tests and do not prove anything. Several people told me they are smart. But even that does not prove anything. These people may very possibly be considered to tell me the truth. Or on the contrary might be tempting to use to take advantage of my stupidity. Or they could be so stupid as me. I stop with a little hope: I know how they are (or were) stupid. This indicates that they are not completely stupid.
of Charles M. Cipolla, Professor Emeritus of Economic History at Berkeley
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