Not only Tunis:
80 countries are food insecure

What has been called "bread riots" is spreading to chain from one village to another, even through the grapevine of social networks like twitter Facebook. From Tunisia to Algeria. On January 4 in the popular district of Algiers Belouizdad groups of young people confront the police. To ignite the fuse is also here too the government's decision to increase prices by 20-30% of the food consumer goods, such as bread, oil and sugar. After the capital clashes break out in other centers Algerians, so that the Minister of Commerce abolish the tax on bread and food, but the bill is enough to restore calm.
causes. The rising price of food is a precipitating factor, although not the only one of the revolt in North Africa, which could be indicative of a wider malaise. FAO already in December spoke of an "alarming situation " internationally, which threatens to overwhelm especially the economies of emerging countries. One thing is certain: the ' food price index (FFP) - which measures the monthly price of a basket that includes among other cereals, meat, sugar, oil seeds - has touched the highest in December historians. " Drought in Russia and Kazakisthan accompanied by floods in Europe, Canada and Australia, combined with uncertainty about production in Argentina are driving up grain prices 'already warned in December, FAO economist Abdolreza Abbassian.
is implementing a new food crisis, similar to that erupted in 2008, which was caused by a surge among other speculative basic necessities? FAO is cautious, but in its relations can not be assured: the same Abbassian said it was "madness " expect that prices reached a peak in December remain unsurpassed. For Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food, the increase in food prices threatens some 80 countries around the world who are currently in a situation of food shortages.
Today, as in 2008, said de Schutter, ' there is a problem of shortage . However, pointed out, when you accumulate information, such as those related to fires in Russia, the heat wave in Ukraine too strong rains in Canada or other information of this kind, he explains, " some market participants prefer not to sell immediately, while buyers try to buy as much as possible when everyone is so prices rise. " This phenomenon, he stresses, " you add the increase in production related to biofuels . World cereal stocks in 2011, said de Schutter, ' will amount to 427 million tonnes against 489.8 in 2009: the loss of about 63 million tons for more than two-thirds is attributable to the U.S. and the EU to "Biofuels .
remedies. A risk food crisis are mainly African countries. " countries of the Sahel", said de Schutter, ' are generally in a situation of food shortages because they produce for export and often depend on rice and grain to feed '.
The surge in grain prices in 2008, however, something taught. "Agriculture is session to be a priority," said de Schutter, 'but the money promised slow. About 20 billion Aquila of dollars pledged at the G8 summit in April 2009 only 20% has been unlocked. is very disappointing. "
Source: Unimondo
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