Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Shampoo For Dandruff For Male In India

A site that I started to see frequently when I approached the running and you continue to follow with great interest is to Roberto Albanesi especially reading the articles and sections race marathon. Albanian
Roberto has designed and registered the trademark Wellrunness ® indicating "the practice of racing with the aim to run until the end of his days" ; in this page shows the rules of wellrunness.
I think that this definition represents fully my idea of \u200b\u200brunning a practice and share it in full. Many positions
pages site may appear counter but they are always motivated and I read with great interest and respect.
Among other things, so far, I managed to find all the answers to my curiosity and my doubts about running and, as I did when I spoke of syndrome iliotibial bandelletta , still cite the pages of this interesting site .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

No Sounds Working On Env

Brooks Ghost 2

not remember if I've already said in previous posts but work faster and races up to a half (so far I have only done them, marathons I have not already done so) they do so in the Brooks Ghost 2 bought not long ago, long after the release of Ghost 3, I took the latter and not the 3 because I have been recommended by those who sold them to me (the person that I trust) and I must say I was very satisfied. Surely the new model has the additional improvements compared to mine but, in my opinion, these are lighter and more reactive than 3 Ghost and I are so comfortable. How to use the well-cushioned shoes ASICS Gel Nimbus 12 excellent (who are coming to end of life) and Saucony Progrid Jazz 13 that, even if they are even lighter, I seem to be more depreciated.

To speak of these shoes I have tried a few reviews on the internet and found that only the English edition of Runner's World .
In this article shoes shoes are described as extremely light but offer more cushioning than previous versions.

The only downside reported by testers of the magazine is reduced grip, but even if the weight of these shoes makes them almost in the performance shoe category, in some way while Brooks was able to increase the damping. The testers reported that they had found a more solid than the previous version.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Edu Science Telescope 288x Manual

3rd trophy of grim - March 6, 2010

Sunday, March 6 was held on the third trophy of the grim * organized by GS Gulf of Poets.
The main innovation of this year consisted in stretching of the course, everything on the waterfront of San Terenzo and Lerici, which was brought to the length of the 10K classical and confirmations were many: a good day of sport with a large participation even high-level athletes, the friendly atmosphere, the rich race package, numerous awards (absolute, categories and groups), along with almost spring day, did the rest by confirming this trophy as a place to be.
For me, in this case, it was my first experience and I was very satisfied.
The race is one of the tests regional calendar UISP for Liguria in 2011 and is the opening test of the circuit Corrilunigiana 2011.

For the record, the overall winner was in Del Corso, athlete of the Apuan Alps Park GP (and known to all frequenters of the "Mountain"), with the excellent time of 31 '08 ", fresh from victory the previous day in the challenging Grand Prix Monteserra .

the same day was the 18th running of the mimosa, which is valid for the Palio of La Spezia and walker Lunigiana 2011.

For more information on the race you can visit the site of the Gulf of Poets GS; site, very well organized, you can find the account of race, rankings, link to photo gallery and more. Sure use of the race calendar is set with all the races in the province of La Spezia and the major Italian races (continuously updated).

The photo of this post is taken from the photo gallery of grim (gc), where you will see many more photos of the event.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catchy Slogans For Healthy Meals

World Day against racial discrimination

On March 21 the United Nations celebrated the "International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1966: the date was chosen to commemorate the day of the March 21, 1960 when police Shaperville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 anti-war demonstrators protesting against the laws enacted by the apartheid regime. Read

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fuel For All Clad Fondue Set

syndrome iliotibial bandelletta

after suffering an annoying "ache" to the outside of his right knee that occurred after a "long" I consulted a doctor I tried and trusted information on the internet to try to better understand the cause and possible remedies.
Obviously there is nothing more wrong than seek treatment rely on the web or experienced friends improvised. So, I repeat, I first heard a doctor and once you understand what it was, I tried to learn more by doing a search on the net and, as usual, I found lots of information, some of them conflicting.
The medical diagnosis was: bandelletta iliotibial syndrome.
At this point there is a very important clarification.

This post and, more generally, this is my other blog may contain information on medical topics, healing, or related to therapeutic practice with (pseudo-science, medicine, etc..): there is no guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, accurate or not contravene the law. Moreover, even if the information were from a general point of view right, it may not refer to the symptoms exhibited by the reader. Again, different people showing the same symptoms often require different treatment, because of the complexity of some clinical cases.
The information provided on my blog is general in nature and informative purposes only and may not under any circumstances replace the advice of a doctor (or a legally authorized person to the profession) or, in specific cases, other health professionals (dentists, nurses, pharmacists, veterinarians, physical therapists, etc.)..
In no case, therefore, be held responsible for the results or consequences of any use or attempted use of any of the information published.
Nothing on my blog can be interpreted as an attempt to offer a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine.
The information contained herein are for illustrative purposes only: not and does not come from prescription or medical advice.

That said, here is a summary of information that I found about this syndrome.

1) What

The bandelletta ileo-tibial syndrome is an overload syndrome that affects the final part of a muscle on the side of the thigh, the tensor fascia lata, which ends with a sort of bandelletta positioned laterally to the knee (see figure). In susceptible individuals, which represent a situation of tibia vara, or legs, brackets, or which tends to foot pronation (ie that gives too much support in phase with the ground), you may experience an excessive friction between this tendon underlying bone (lateral femoral condyle), resulting in inflammation.
is commonly called "runner's knee." It is, in fact, an inflammation of the lateral area of \u200b\u200bthe knee (the ilio-tibial tract of fascia lata). Anatomically, we describe the fascia lata as the lining of the lateral thigh muscles and his ilio-tibial tract is what goes on the side of the external femoral condyle on the fibula es'inserisce
initially manifested by a lateral knee pain, which sometimes do not pay attention because it is not too intense. Each successive training sessions, however, the pain worsens, making it impossible at some point in the race. The runners are athletes who are most affected, but the syndrome bandelletta ilio-tibial interesting practitioners of other disciplines such as, for example, football, cycling, basketball or volleyball. Among the injuries that hit the knee of the rider is still the most frequent, it is for the primacy of the patellar tendon inflammation, followed by the patellofemoral syndrome (inflammation of the patellofemoral joint from "excessive consumption") and inflammation flexor tendons (leg goose or hamstring).

2) What are the causes of the syndrome

bandelletta ilio-tibial can be considered essentially an overload syndrome whose causes can be traced back to competition factors predisposing conditions and type of sport.
Predisposing factors are generally of an anatomical, among them the varus knee (ie the so-called "legs in parentheses), the varus of the tibia, the prominent lateral femoral epicondylitis, the asymmetry of the lower limbs and foot tending to pronation, the principal terms of such athletes, combined with the above factors, due to repeated microtrauma which eventually trigger the inflammatory process, are running on sloping or uneven, excessive mileage, an abrupt change in excess of loads workout or the choice of circuits that are too long alternation of ascents and descents, or even training for explosive strength particularly intense, or the incorrect execution of a single session (both quantity and quality). Another predisposing factor, often poorly considered, it is overweight. As a
overload syndrome may occur in susceptible individuals mentioned above in all situations of excess load, regardless of the level of training.
Precisely because of its anatomical shape, the bandelletta undergoes a series of micro-trauma during the race, which may cause the onset of the syndrome of the knee of the rider. The injuries are due to rubbing of the femoral condyle bandelletta when his tail moves before any extension of the knee (the maximum stress occurs at about 30 ° of knee flexion).

3) What are the symptoms

The pathology shows a generally constant pain, but not acute, the lateral aspect of knee pain is accentuated when the bandelletta passes over the lateral femoral condyle, which is when the knee form an arc of about 30 degrees in flexion. The soreness usually develops after a certain period of time from the start and tends to decrease with the rest.
The symptoms occurs in a very subtle: at first it appears so dull after a few minutes, then seems to have diminished with the passage of km, but eventually increases again up to affect the dynamics of the race at the end of the session. The disease disappears when the race ends, the pain is worse in downhill racing circuits or circular and can be present in up and down scaleNormalmente the pain is in the side of the knee and exacerbates with finger pressure on the lateral condyle in knee flexion of the femur. With every passing day, if the picture does not improve, the pain induced to reduce miles and the speed of the race.
The pain may be sufficient to stop the training. Following the increasingly early onset and can occur even in activities of daily living (such as descending stairs). The athlete is
forced to discontinue the sport and can get to walk in knee extended to not feel pain.

4) How do I find

to diagnose with certainty the ilio-tibial syndrome bandelletta should see a specialist (orthopedic surgeon or sports physician) as a pain in the same home could be caused by damage to the lateral meniscus, from patella femoral syndrome, tendinitis of the popliteal or a suffering of the external collateral ligament. Only a specialist with a thorough examination, he manages to make the correct diagnosis.
The Diagnosis is based on objective highlights pressopalpazione pain in the tarsal sinus. Any inquiries are not instrumental to both the diagnosis as to exclude other conditions with similar clinical manifestations, the differential diagnosis with the distal tendon of biceps femoris, the popliteal tendon, the lesion of the lateral meniscus, synovial cysts, the lateral gonarthrosis and outcomes the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Examinations are usually required knee radiography and ultrasound, and very rarely resorts to nuclear magnetic resonance, almost never decisive for the diagnosis and that, among other things, can give false or excessive information.

5) How is

Cold is the first therapy to fall back on. The ice pack should be applied immediately after the race (race or workout that is) or just get home. Be careful, however, not to keep more than 15-20 minutes, in fact, a nerve in that area is extremely shallow (the external popliteal sciatic), who could be adversely affected by prolonged cold. Immediately after the visit to be programmed by a medical specialist. Again, it is wrong to do it yourself without recourse to have a precise diagnosis.
The race is absolutely broken and, unfortunately, in this case is not possible to maintain the form devoted to alternative sports, as any movement of the knee flexion / extension can generate friction between tendon and bone, in fact, replace temporarily run with alternative sports such as cycling can be counterproductive because they increase the number of stress on the knee and even greater degrees of flexion.
In less severe cases can be examined, along with the doctor, the possibility of reducing training loads (no suspend all activity), avoiding overloads (eg. Hillclimb, land disconnected, ran along the roadside) continuing treatment with cryotherapy at the end of training.

6) The course

The problem usually resolves over a period of time ranging from 15 days to one month, but unfortunately there are cases with slower healing.
If the injury is not resolved, the orthopedic usually acts with infiltration of anesthetic and steroid medications, iontophoresis, ultrasound, Tecartherapy, laser therapy etc.. In some cases, very rare indeed, need surgery on bandelletta. Since the most serious cases, the stop is quite long, it is necessary to resume after a period of strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and quadriceps.
The prognosis of the syndrome of the tibial bandelletta is good in most cases. In any case, it can only return to full recovery.
The gradual resumption of training must be done on a flat and smooth, with appropriate footwear (Eliminating the running shoes worn).
syndrome may recur if there are anatomical predispositions mentioned above. In any case it is useful to agree with the expert, a preventive program.

7) How do I prevent

Stretching plays a vital role in the treatment and prevention of the syndrome of the ilio-tibial bandelletta
After an initial period of rest and reduction of acute inflammation, it is useful to include exercises stretching specific muscles and tendons that help the outside of the thigh and pelvis, stiff and congested inflammation, to regain elasticity and health. Once a definitive solution to the problem, to prevent harmful effects it is best to enter the years even in the normal routine of daily stretching. Here are some examples of exercises to help. Seated Twist

Sitting on the ground with his left leg stretched and twisted with the right knee toward your chest, turn your torso, bring your left elbow touching the knee of his right leg and push inward so to stretch the outer thigh. Hold for 30 seconds without stopping breathing. Reverse the position to stretch the other side.

Weeping Willow
Standing, cross your left leg in front of the right, then bends to the left side and push the pelvis to the right, until you feel the muscles stretch side of the basin. To increase the effect you can flex your right arm to the left. To stretch the other side reverses the position.

To conclude with stretching exercises also suggest that on the tensor fascia lata.

To prevent the problem you should run over to the stretching of the tensor fascia lata and knee flexors also to be borne by the hamstring muscles, hamstring and quadriceps and hamstrings that is, respectively, interior and front of the thigh (such as shown in the examples).
can also be very useful for strengthening the small muscles and gluteus medius.
In the video below is an example of muscle strengthening exercises to prevent this problem.

Among the useful devices can also remember the need to wear proper running shoes (essential in any case, even in the absence of problems), and if necessary wear orthotics to prevent excessive pronation, gradually increase the program training, the downhill race and avoid circular tracks (still bind the flattest part of the track) and put the rest in the program training, to assess the conditions of the training ground, where there is a slight slope on the outer edges of the road, it is recommended to run on the edge by the path from the same side both outward and return. Likewise if you train on the track, or trails with curves, in these cases it will be good forever change the direction of travel.

Linkografia essential
  • / index.php? option = com_content & view = article & id = 1117:
    bandelletta-ilio-tibial & catid = 16: medicine-and-feed & Itemid = 100

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Does A Retracting Blind Work

Quote of the month - March 2011

We feel the need to thank.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nicotine Patches And Blistering

1st run on the beach - February 27, 2011

was held yesterday, the first edition of the race called "Run to the sea" with a non-competitive route 4 km from Levanto to Bonassola through the tunnels in the picturesque old railway line just reopened and transformed into the cycling lane with many vantage points that overlook the delightful coves. In addition to the non competitive walk was also provided for a competitive race of about 12.700 km. This race is in the circuit of Stralevanto Mesco and under the stars.
Who will run all three races will be included in the rankings and will be entitled to a bottle of authentic schiachetrà.
The event was organized by municipalities and Bonassola Levanto, Pro Loco Bonassola Stralevanto 2000, Group of Genoa City, Tourist office blue eyes, and runners of Levanto and Levantoinforma Bonassola. Registration
was € 3.00 for the non-competitive and € 6.00 for competitive.
The competition package consisted of a bottle of wine.
To facilitate the participants were also provided a shuttle bus to transport bags Bonassola leaving at 9.45. Awaiting the arrival
all (runners and leaders) with a snack cakes, pies and cakes, wine tasting in the valley and pasta party.
Premiums for larger groups and for the first 20 men and 10 women first.

I have participated in the competitive and, despite bad weather (more ads than real), I really enjoyed myself, maybe we were less than those that might be expected if it had been a day of good weather but even so we were 95 and you complete the race began under a very light drizzle that gave no trouble and that, during the race was stopped on arrival also giving some hints so fill .
excellent organization to carry bags on arrival (very easy), the service showers (of which few have benefited), the final refreshment (excellent and plentiful) and for having ensured the closure to traffic all the way, this has allowed us to concentrate on racing (and watching the breathtaking views that were presented to our eyes) without having to worry about avoiding the cars and racing on the roadside.
The route begins as the non-competitive in front of the town of Levanto and went for the old galleries just reopened in Bonassola arrived they had a tour of the country and took to the road leading east and Deiva, arrived at the junction (after about 2.5 km uphill) began runs down to Levanto, from there we reopen the tunnel to reach the arrival in the pedestrian zone Bonassola.

Who wants to see the standings of the race can be found on the blog of Paul Pelloni or this link .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Call To The Four Watchtowers

Alleniamoci with Kim Strother

In this post I present a series of exercises that are not created specifically for runners but they serve to maintain good general shape and can be very useful for people who do the race. They are useful for the core and legs, are easy and fast to make and are presented very clearly.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cervix Higher Before Menses

Rome Marathon 1960

marathon in Rome in 1960, when he won an "unknown" Ethiopian running barefoot!
That "unknown" was the famous Abebe Bikila and his company was impressed in the annals of the marathon.
Last year, during the sixteenth edition of the Rome Marathon, fifty years from that splendid victory, many runners have walked the last meters of the trail barefoot in his honor, so the race pack, backpack, reported its number, eleven for a fitting tribute. The next
March 20 there will be the seventeenth edition of this wonderful marathon.

The video is divided into two parts.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Electric Blue Jack Cichlid


As all runners know, stretching is very important, we can say that is the basis for a long time and run smoothly (or at least, limiting). But often we "forget" to do so or because we are in a hurry or because we like to run and do other exercises.
But ... should be made!
There are many opinions about when to do it, before a race or a workout, now later, after a certain time, etc.., each sees his own way but all agree that this is needed.
Those that I propose in this post are good to do after a workout or even after several hours of a stroke and, again, as an exercise in the days of rest. Personally, I think, before a race is best to do dynamic stretching exercises which I will talk in a future post.
These exercises I found on the website of Runner's World , of \u200b\u200bwhich I mentioned in a previous post . You can download the image by clicking on the right muse and clicking "Save Image As ..." or download it directly from the site of Runner's World link to this .

Monday, February 14, 2011

Watch Full P90x Workout Online Free

Park aqueducts stretching exercises for the abdominals

found in Rome I went to the park to run the aqueducts had been before the last time I was in the capital and, now, I think it will become a fixture of my stay in Rome because I am a guest in the area is very comfortable and I get there. As the site says (from which I took the map) the park is very big and can run and ride a bike between the evocative ruins of the aqueducts of imperial Rome and the Renaissance aqueduct Felice. On the site you can find many information to run in Rome and, in the section entitled "Running in Rome" , places, divided by area, where you can practice walking. You can download all the maps including any fountains, paths, measured and relevant information. A very interesting site.

to persuade them to go jogging in the park of the aqueducts (in case you were ever there), here's a beautiful image of the park is from Wikipedia.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Viral Blisters In Infants White

- standing with the elastic

I have already put this video in another post , when I talked about the marathon of Pisa and the snow that has made that were annulled; I want to propose it once again because I intend to create a series of posts dedicated solely to the exercises. I will consider the core stability, and other points of sail, to the extent possible, all posts will be accompanied by video and / or pictures to help those without a coach or someone who can teach the correct exercise.
starts from this area that serve to strengthen the core, very important to run good and strong.
As I said, are published on the number of Runner's World in December 2010, p. 53; the video, in English, is drawn from the international version of the site where Runner's World, the video section, you can find many more videos very interesting.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jet Li-unleashed En Streaming

... Both!

After the half marathon Livorno, yesterday I ran my second half marathon half marathon the International two pearls.
So remember the medals are now two.
regard to race, I must say that I was very happy, I chose it because it runs in beautiful places, the path, it departs from and arrives in Santa Margherita Ligure Portofino, after a first turning point in the famous square to return to the Always start on the seafront road, crossing Paraggi and all the wonderful coastline for another turning point in the center of Santa Margherita Ligure and then another round to Portofino and return.
The participation was extraordinary (almost 2400 subscribers, just over the start of 2100 and 2005 arrived well) with the participation of the National Marathon Team who took the first four places in the men's race (ranked in order: Pertile, Curzi, Andriani and Bourifa) and athlete Emma Quaglia, who won the women's race in 1:13:20. The
beautiful day, with some clouds and a bit 'cold at the start but got a sun almost spring to late morning, did the rest.
Path not easy with many variations of pace and some climbs and descents (especially to and from the square of Portofino) that can not go in search of the PB. Even
only views that can be enjoyed along the way are worth the participation in this race. Although
interpreted this as a training race (a long time in preparation for a marathon) and a pain in the knee caused by the 27 km long. Friday's led me to not force too much I still have "filed" the time of 42 seconds made in Livorno, not many but given the circumstances (and the sloping path) are very satisfied and this confirms that the constant training and 'efforts are bearing fruit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monster Energy Modeling Agencies

Runner's World

After talking to the site, in a previous post , also point out the magazine. The magazine "Runnerìs World" published in several languages, the original English but there is also the Italian version with its drafting. It has a monthly basis for 12 issues per year and costs € 5.00 per copy, annual subscription allows you to save money, it costs € 48.00 for one year (12 issues).
I bought a few months and I always read with great pleasure.
As I said on the site, there are many interesting items, calendars, competitions and much more.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bed Skirts For Low Profile Box Springs

Quote of the month - February 2011

Sometimes to find your center must leave to help.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Would A Cat Bite A Blanket And

Mozambique began a food distribution in areas affected by drought.

Solidaria is intervening in some districts of the province of Sofala distributing, in conjunction with the PMA , food for families of children supported at a distance particularly vulnerable families, affected by drought.

The poor agricultural production recorded in almost all districts of the provinces of Sofala and Manica is in fact causing the first deaths from hunger, especially among the most vulnerable population: children and the elderly . The Government has not yet fonito data on the number of people who need food, but the organizations humanitarian agree in reporting that about twenty thousand families have fled their homes because of hunger, in some areas caused by and drought in others, by floods that hit central and southern provinces of Mozambique, particularly in the valleys of the Zambezi and dell'Incomati, both for the rains continue to fall since December, is certain to open the reservoir dam to drain the excess water.
The floods have caused to date loss of 19,500 hectares planted with corn, potatoes and beans are the staple food in rural areas, in addition to the loss of thousands of cattle.

Solidaria, by Acção de Solidaridad, has begun to distribute, which will continue in the coming months, food products. Some images can be viewed by clicking here .

Friday, January 28, 2011


always talk about race

How can I have another blog dedicated to vegetarian cooking , here I will publish a series of posts dedicated to books I've read and that somehow relate to the topics covered in this blog. I start from the first (and so far only) book I read on the race.

Linus, aka Pasquale Di Molfetta, speaker and director of radio Dee-Jay, for some 'years has become a fan of road racing and in particular the New York Marathon in years to participate and in 2010 succeeded to finish under 3 hours and 30.
to tell this his passion, in addition to the articles he writes for Runner's World, his blog and its various interventions has written a book, a short book, pleasant to read and where they collected the thoughts of a runner as he is attentive to Tables but also to family and work commitments. No doubt this approach is the best way to enjoy the ride and benefit from all points of view (not just health).

title always talk about race
author: Linus
Publisher: Mondadori
year: 2010
pages: 108
price: € 15.50

What's Wrong in having a passion? No one, especially if it is a healthy passion, strengthening and involving. And never mind if it gets a little 'obsessive. Linus, the head of Radio Deejay, always talk about racing, his, what, end of the world, addresses three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or Sundays. You need an all-encompassing and radical, which transformed him from a lazy forty successful amateur runner with the fixed idea on the training schedule. In "People always talk about racing, smash born during his daily program" Deejay called Italy ", Linus tells the thread and sign the explosion of his passion, the world that is open and in front of him, with many episodes and funny characters who deserve to be known until it resembles a sort of Italian version of the test run of Murakami's art. An intense book, funny and infectious, which makes me want to slip the shoes to go running and get a good race.

Here the video interview with Linus.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What Is A Good Stereo Battery

Millions of children worldwide suffer from poverty, disease, marginalization

Despite being passed over 20 ann
by the Convention of the United Nations that enshrines the rights of chil dren are still millions who continue to suffer poverty, disease and marginalization. In the world 2.1 billion, approximately 35% of world's population. Each year we born about nearly 129 million.
Overall, 1 in 4 children live in extreme poverty, fam ily
with an income of less than one dollar a day. In developing countries, one child in three lives in extreme poverty. One child in 12 dies before the age of 5 years, mostly from preventable causes.
Worldwide 250 million children in the
under 14 years are forced to work among these, according to the International Labor Organization, are 120 million children between 5 and 14 years working full-time, ie about 50%. According to some statistics of UNICEF, in 100 children worldwide, 27 had received no vaccination against the disease, 32 children suffered from malnutrition before age 5, only 44 children were exclusively breastfed in the first three months of life, 18 children have no access to ' drinking water, 39 live in areas without adequate sanitation, 18 children not attending school, and of these, 11 are girls, 25 out of 100 children who begin to attend the first year of primary school do not continue until the fifth year, 17 children out of 100 can not write or read, 11 are girls. The

average life expectancy for children in the world today is 64 years in industrialized countries is 78 years in the 45 countries most affected by HIV / AIDS is 58 years in Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the countries most affected by HIV / AIDS, children's life expectancy is less than 43 years.
Half of those living in South Asia are malnourished. One third of sub-Saharan African children has not enough food. One in three children in Albania, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and one in seven in Ukraine, Russia and Armenia is undernourished. In Vietnam 17% of children are born underweight, while 40% of children under 5 years is underweight because of malnutrition.
For the serious phenomenon of street children in Latin American countries are about 30 million children working to help the family of origin, and those living on the street, either permanently or temporarily, are approximately 15 million. AIDS, conflict and poverty are the causes of the African continent. Then the growing number of orphans without protection, in Rwanda, where civil war has nearly 100,000 orphaned children, there are now thousands of children and young people who work and live on the streets in the capital Kigali. And so the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Angola.

These statistics in developing countries come alongside those, no less troubling, poverty and health status of children in European countries are now retreating from the development: almost 18 million children countries of the former Soviet Union and the former Eastern European bloc must live with a pound and a half per day. In Moscow alone there are over 60,000 homeless children, in Budapest are between 10,000 and 12,500, while in Bucharest alone there are over 5,000. Wherever child prostitution is a phenomenon linked to street life: children who work in night clubs, bars and nightspots, or sleep in the streets or train stations are at risk of sexual exploitation.

With regard to disease in the poorest regions of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus cause many deaths each year in Albania, for example, just over half of children between 1 and 2 years vaccinated against these diseases has also increased by 50% of cases of tuberculosis due, as in the former Soviet Union, the proliferation of drug-resistant forms for the use of inappropriate treatments.

( Fides )

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things To Write In A Baby Journal

Runner's World

For fans of road racing, like me, the web is full of very useful and interesting sites where you can find tables of training exercises for strengthening, directions on how to set a races or proper nutrition of athletes and much more.
course, you can find information on everything and not everything that is found to be trustworthy, to be followed or shared.
must therefore be careful and never forget, as in all things, to use their discernment and critical spirit.
On this basis we can take advantage of the opportunities that Internet offers us.
For this reason in this and other posts to come, I report (with the same label "web sites" ) sites that I consider interesting and that I have (been) helpful.
begin with the Italian version of Runner's World, Official site of the most widely read travel magazine in the world. On this site you can download workout charts, guides, see the schedule of races, read many very interesting articles on various topics and use Smart Coach. By Runner's World Smart Coach, the new tool of Runner's World, you can create your own workout plan in operation level and the objective to be achieved, it is free, just sign up. Very interesting
the international version (in English) site that offers even more utility, especially the section useful "tools" with many useful and easy to use, one dedicated to video (where I stretch exercises published in my previous post ) and section devoted to recipes (including vegetarian )
There is also a magazine, but I will talk about this in another post.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Free Plans To Build A Sausage Smoker

Saucony Progrid Jazz 13

I bought a another pair of shoes, my ASICS Gel Nimbus 12 now have many miles and soon send a retired (though still continuing to use them with great satisfaction) and the alternatives to the two I prefer the Brooks Ghost Ghost 3 (which are heavier and have more close the plant, even if they are good shoes) and I use to work faster (repeated, medium-fast, some short notice). In short, it will be an excuse, but I wanted to try another pair of shoes. After numerous tests
my choice fell on the Saucony Progrid Jazz 13. Reading the official website
Saucony , these shoes utilize various technologies and, in particular:

  • HRC (Hight Rebonded Compound) It 's a polymer bearing material positioned forefoot, extended under the hallux, which works in conjunction with the GRID system in order to lessen the shock for an extended period of time, redistribute the thrust proportionally and offer a unique "cushioning" without compromising flexibility.
  • XT-900 carbon rubber sole Saucony high density with excellent wear resistance properties.
  • SRC (Super Rebound Compound) evolution of the HRC, guarantees 15% more elastic response to impact and lasts more than 10% of EVA.
  • Progrid Progrid TM is based on the same physical principles of the GRID. The platform of the grid absorbs the forces generated in the impact of the heel with the ground, absorbs and transmits them to all other components of the shoe, protecting the foot and the body of the runner. The inclusion of a new material in the innovative Progrid TM substantially improved comfort. This material, a mixture of foam and synthetic rubber, is called the Managers Tek TM and interfaces seamlessly with the base thermoplastic, interacting with it. It allows very efficient transmission of energy, while also cushioning and a great big dynamic response (rebound).
  • b / cR rubber compound A special patented blown Saucony used to make parts of tread soles. It provides lightweight cushioning and flexibility, while preserving the characteristics of durability.
  • 3M 3M Scotchlite reflective material that provides visibility at night or in bad weather.
  • 2dEVA special blends of EVA blown double density. Accentuates the characteristics of shock absorption but also stability.
  • HEEL COUNTER Premoulded Heel Counter

Also on site we can Saucony read that the shoe is indicated support for a neutral runner with looking for a versatile shoe, comfortable and extremely cushioned, ideal for training on each distance and pace. Mesh more lightweight and breathable, heel and Progrid SRC IMPACT ZONE. Printed on the heel cup for added support.

I know very well that with new shoes you should first do a little 'running: walking and corsette light and short but I could not resist the urge to try them and this morning, thanks to a beautiful sunny day with temperatures from 9 15 degrees (depending on the time and place) [1] , excellent for training, I did a 24 km long enjoying the day. The slow run (Over 5 min. Per kilometer) allowed me to enjoy my home town on Saturday morning. Here, in random order, some things that caught my attention:
  • the low traffic on Saturday morning;
  • people who eat breakfast at the bar
  • the liveliness of the market square, the
  • Old Town and the pedestrian not yet crowded with people;
  • shops that are still open and, later, the shops that just opened;
  • public gardens;
  • the promenade and the sun reflecting off the water ;
  • fishermen who fish on the pier (but then, they will eat those fish "diesel" ?!?);
  • crews of fishing vessels returned to harbor, seeking to fix the nets;
  • the mega-yacht moored in the marina,
  • other runners who have had the same idea;
  • e. .. more.

Moral: the shoes have not given me any problems, are very light but also very comfortable and well cushioned. Tomorrow, probably, I'm going to Sarzana for the 7th March "coming together", are planned routes 7, 15 and 22 km, I do not know yet what I will do (if 14 or 22), depends on the fatigue and how I managed to recover . Even
this march is the calendar of the XXVII ° Palio of La Spezia and the Marchers Lunigiana as that of the January 6 (of which I spoke in this post ) and Sunday at Favaro, also very beautiful, with a panoramic location and very well organized, both very rise and, therefore, is also a great workout.

Update January 16: At the end, I not only participated in the march to Sarzana, but I did (in the company, at a very slow pace and stops long enough to refreshments) 22 km from the path that, among 'has a vertical drop of more than 350 meters. This is also a beautiful and scenic route that took me in the climbs but I was very tired. Positive results.

[1] Obviously I do not go around with a thermometer maximum and minimum thermometers, but I trust that I encounter during the race, especially those of the insignia of the pharmacies, beginning with the one under my house.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wood Suitable For Boat Interior

Floods in Brazil: the sponsored children were not affected.

has climbed to 335 the death toll of the floods that are ravaging the southeast of Brazil since Tuesday. The cities most affected are three: Teresopolis, 100 km from Rio de Janeiro, where died a total of 146 persons, assistance is hampered by the mud and it was declared a state of emergency, Nova Friburgo where the dead found so far are 155 and Petropolis, where Solidaria is working with the Center Holy Land. Here are 40 victims and the city is accessible only by helicopter.

We proceeded to contact our local representative, Father Diego, who said that children and their families are supported well and also sent an email, below.

President Dilma Rousseff has allocated 780 million dollars for relief efforts in the affected regions. In just over 24 hours, the state of Rio de Janeiro have fallen 84% of the predicted rainfall for the entire month of January: a veritable deluge that caused flooding, mudslides, landslides, with a budget that goes for hours in hours. Thirteen victims even in the State of Sao Paulo. The governor of Rio de Janeiro has asked the government for urgent intervention teams of experts in aid and military aircraft are able to secure the population.

Defense Minister, Nelson Jobim, and despair: "In sometimes resembling a war scenario. What we saw was a desolate landscape, violence caused by water and landslides in the hills, which have made deaths and serious damage to roads, housing and infrastructure in the area. We flew over areas around the municipalities of Petropolis, Teresopolis and Nova Friburgo, we believe that the worst situation is to this center. Many rural areas have remained isolated in Nova Friburgo. In this first phase will focus mainly to give more speed and facilitate the arrival of aid and the reconstruction began . "

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bowling Shirt Templates

Not only Tunis:
80 countries are food insecure

The army is deployed in Tunis, and the "war bread" continues in Algeria. But the protest movements triggered by the increase in basic necessities are not only a problem in North Africa. Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food said that 80 countries are in a situation of food deficit and that "today we live the beginning of a food crisis similar to that of 2008 .

What has been called "bread riots" is spreading to chain from one village to another, even through the grapevine of social networks like twitter Facebook. From Tunisia to Algeria. On January 4 in the popular district of Algiers Belouizdad groups of young people confront the police. To ignite the fuse is also here too the government's decision to increase prices by 20-30% of the food consumer goods, such as bread, oil and sugar. After the capital clashes break out in other centers Algerians, so that the Minister of Commerce abolish the tax on bread and food, but the bill is enough to restore calm.

causes. The rising price of food is a precipitating factor, although not the only one of the revolt in North Africa, which could be indicative of a wider malaise. FAO already in December spoke of an "alarming situation " internationally, which threatens to overwhelm especially the economies of emerging countries. One thing is certain: the ' food price index (FFP) - which measures the monthly price of a basket that includes among other cereals, meat, sugar, oil seeds - has touched the highest in December historians.
" Drought in Russia and Kazakisthan accompanied by floods in Europe, Canada and Australia, combined with uncertainty about production in Argentina are driving up grain prices 'already warned in December, FAO economist Abdolreza Abbassian.
is implementing a new food crisis, similar to that erupted in 2008, which was caused by a surge among other speculative basic necessities? FAO is cautious, but in its relations can not be assured: the same Abbassian said it was "madness " expect that prices reached a peak in December remain unsurpassed. For Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food, the increase in food prices threatens some 80 countries around the world who are currently in a situation of food shortages.

Today, as in 2008, said de Schutter, ' there is a problem of shortage . However, pointed out, when you accumulate information, such as those related to fires in Russia, the heat wave in Ukraine too strong rains in Canada or other information of this kind, he explains, " some market participants prefer not to sell immediately, while buyers try to buy as much as possible when everyone is so prices rise. " This phenomenon, he stresses, " you add the increase in production related to biofuels . World cereal stocks in 2011, said de Schutter, ' will amount to 427 million tonnes against 489.8 in 2009: the loss of about 63 million tons for more than two-thirds is attributable to the U.S. and the EU to "Biofuels .

remedies. A risk food crisis are mainly African countries. " countries of the Sahel", said de Schutter, ' are generally in a situation of food shortages because they produce for export and often depend on rice and grain to feed '.

The surge in grain prices in 2008, however, something taught. "Agriculture is session to be a priority," said de Schutter, 'but the money promised slow. About 20 billion Aquila of dollars pledged at the G8 summit in April 2009 only 20% has been unlocked. is very disappointing. "

Source: Unimondo

Salomon Contagrip Sale

Haiti: One Year

Violence, rubble, one million homeless. One year after the earthquake that destroyed the Caribbean island the situation remains critical.

an expanse of rubble, a million homeless, theft continue to grow. The nightmare of Haiti seems to have no end, and a year after the earthquake that devastated the island more 'poor in the Western Hemisphere, the landscape and' bleak.
aid to the population to be renewed and doubled ," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon during the commemoration ceremony of the Haitian and UN officials remained under the rubble. At the UN were observed 47 seconds of silence, a number which symbolically recalls the duration of the quake that devastated the island. "We must be realistic - said Ban Ki-moon - the recovery is slow, the riots continue and looting, but many strides have been made to address the series of tragedies that hit the population .

At 230,000 people killed by the quake of 12 January, it joined the deaths from cholera, to date almost 4,000. There are a million people including 500,000 children, still living in tents along the streets and squares of Haiti without access to basic services, and one in three children under age 5 are severely malnourished.

The Caribbean island is flooded by 19 million cubic meters of debris. The reconstruction proceeds in slow motion and much of the promised money never arrived. "
No one is more irritated me, because not 'been done more - said the former U.S. president Bill Clinton, in charge of coordinating international aid after the earthquake - but the situation is improving. I am optimistic for the future , "said Clinton, who arrived in Haiti to participate in commemorative ceremonies.

For Doctors Without Borders in the island but the conditions remain critical. "After the earthquake secured donations from rich countries exceeded two billion dollars , but 58% of this figure has remained only a promise," he revealed. "The United Nations has collected only 25% of aid required, it is a shame ", accuses Elizabeth Byrs, head of the coordination of humanitarian aid the United Nations. And the Haitians insisted: "We hear about money to rebuild the island, but we never seen . The population is weary and tired.

And you add to this dramatic picture of a very difficult situation in terms of political and public order. The second round of presidential elections scheduled for January 16 was postponed. The candidate of the camp, the singer Michel Martelly, was excluded, and this caused the anger of the people and deepened the suspicions of fraud on the other two politicians remained in the list, the former first lady MIRLAND Manigat and 'protected' of the outgoing President Rene Preval. "
He never lifted a finger to help us, we look like we were animals ," he said of the Islanders.


See pictures on Flickr

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Brookstone Helicopter Rotates

More about MBT

In the previous post I had talked about the last shoes I bought, but at first glance, it may be difficult to understand the link between these shoes and the world of walking.
Here is another post dedicated to the topic.
In the video you can have some more information about the effects of the MBT, as well as having a function workout all the muscle chains involved in the race strengthen the core muscles, increase proprioception (due to the instability they create), and favor a more rapid recovery after a workout or race.
Among the various views expressed in official website, I was particularly struck that of Octavian Iuliano, Section Commander of the Carabinieri Athletics Dr. Coaching and Sport Sciences in the Italian Athletics Federation and a former blue fourteenth century, with a staff and 400 m. of 47'14 ".
In his review states to use these shoes for some athletes he trained for specific training sessions. This is the full review from the site :

The MBT shoes that do not call because it is deliberately wear shoes to feel the sensation of "floating" with his feet on the ground, are routinely used by some of our athletes to perform specific training sessions that serve to enhance and improve the proprioceptive ability of the foot impacts the ground. In fact, do specific exercises with the MBT, as the speeds of running technique (tight-rolled wide, low-skip-quick, jumped quickly, etc) definitely helps raise awareness of motor neuromuscular system continuously stimulated by the "Masai Sensor". The results can be found in the fact that the muscular chains visibly better work involved and because it facilitates better posture is because the muscles involved kinetically contract harmoniously. The latter aspect is evident from the fact that athletes involved in the use of MBT have achieved the correct posture and consequently decreased the rate of accidents by totally eliminating the problems of lumbar muscle fatigue greatly stressed in walking, marching and jogging. Walking, wearing the MBT, after the due time of adaptation, it is pleasant and relaxing and also helps the stages of recovery from strenuous training and racing gear. In summary, the use of MBT is valid for the simple walk to train the ability to perceive their bodies in space and learn to feel and check the status of a positive contraction of the muscles.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brazilian Wax Men Brampton

MBT the anti-shoe

In this post I talk about shoes, but I will not speak of the shoes for walking, then let loose in the classic division A2, A3, etc.. to speak of "anti-shoe" MBT ie. MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology because their creators were inspired by the Masai, the African people walking barefoot on natural terrain very uneven. On their website
you can find plenty of information and abstract of scientific studies to support and confirm the validity of the product. I
, before buying I looked at the site, I searched for information on other sites, forums and heard the opinions of my friends before me, had bought them. I must say that I could not find people who, having tried, if they complained. They are shoes that cost a lot but, as some say, if they keep at least half of what they promise, they are a bargain and so I decided and I got my first pair of MBT. Mid GTX kimondo are black (the ones in the picture) and I must say, you wear that ugly views are less so but most are very comfortable. The dealer in my town had not prepared in the store and ordered them to me, once a day had already arrived and as soon as I bought them, I just wanted to try them. After the first impact (the first step with these shoes are a little 'odd'), I immediately appreciated the convenience. I got them yesterday afternoon and today I brought the whole day taking a walk downtown with rain at times too strong, and stir foot warm and dry.
still do not know if they are workout, if they lose weight and if, really, I can receive all the benefits described in the site for now, I can only say I am very comfortable and walked avendoci long after I went running this morning I had no problem and no pain or discomfort.
I would say that as the beginning is good.

Moving to travel, as I mentioned earlier, this morning I participated in a non competitive walk which was held in La Spezia, it is the 17 th march corripegazzano - 7th Memorial Pier Manlio Bibiano, valid for the Palio walker of La Spezia and Lunigiana. This march, it was the first of 2011, 2011 calendar marches of the Palio of the marchers and was organized, as every year, the Committee gears. The distances were two 7 or 14 km, both with a nice long hill climb to the top and very scenic route. I chose the path from 14 km to do some 'of hill training as I always tend to avoid them and, instead, in this time of year, I need to do a little 'enhancement. Even
this march was a good opportunity to share with other runners passion for travel.
The weather has been lenient in the first part of the morning while in the second half of the race it started to rain making it slippery stairs on the way back. However, it was enough to slow down the pace a bit and pay more attention to this conclusion easily travel.
Next Sunday is replicated with a similar route across town. In fact, at 9.00 am start from the 14th march Favaro with the ARCI.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Liability Insurance Premiums Canada

Quote of the month - January 2011

If the man did not breathe die, die too if you do not breathe her soul and her spirit.

With this sentence I want to wish you all a 2011 full of happiness and satisfaction Running!