Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hidden Antenaa On Car

Why do I have replaced the baby

I received your message with whom I communicated the termination of support at a distance with Luis Filipe and propose in its place another child. I am frankly puzzled not to have any news, even the address, the child with whom I had established a relationship of correspondence and affection ...

Letters or phone calls like this are not uncommon: it happens that our office should communicate with one supporter, usually by phone but by email or by letter, that the sponsorship must be transferred to another child. Not all supporters, however, include the reasons are behind this action and even some break definitively support.

should therefore clarify the reasons that underlie these substitutions. There is no doubt that you feel disappointment, and perhaps even pain, to learn that we no longer have contact with the child with we had established a relationship of correspondence, we retain the picture and the letters that we wrote. However, knowing the motivations that underlie the substitutions may help us better understand why this happens.

can happen that the child's family decides and transfers to another province where relatives live, looking for a job. Or it may happen that in the place where the child lives, the drought has destroyed the harvest for the second or third consecutive year. Often in such cases, the entire family migrates to another location and, if found favorable living conditions, does not come back in the place of origin. Or one parent dies and the other decides to go live with relatives, perhaps very far.
There are several causes that lead a family group to leave, forcing us to terminate the employment of support. There are cases where the family is moving in the district, and then the relationship can continue. But if the transfer takes place hundreds of miles away, you can not keep a commitment that would be expensive: consider only the costs of dislocation and the time taken.

When our leaders tell us, sadly, that the family of a child is supported at a distance away, or is about to leave, we can not help but communicate this to the supporter, suggesting the substitution of another child. It may be painful, but consider that we have accompanied for a stretch of road, the more difficult for him and our support has helped to make the future less uncertain, and we are preparing to attend another of his own age who is waiting for someone accompany him for part of his difficult journey.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Brazilian Wax Men Brampton Ontario

Obama effigy - by Paul Craig Roberts

Did not take long for the Israeli Lobby to bring down Mr Obama for his ban on building new illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Obama has found that a single American president is powerless when confronted by the Israel Lobby, and that the U.S. simply is not allowed to have a policy in the Middle East other than Israel.
also found that Obama can not change anything, as long as he had never intended.

agenda of the military lobby and the defense is a state of war and internal police, and a simple American president can not do anything about it.

President Obama may order the torture chambers are closed at Guantanamo, and that the kidnapping and torture are stopped, but neither do his bidding.

Basically, Obama is irrelevant.

President Obama can promise that will bring the troops home, and the military lobby says, "No, instead sends them to Afghanistan, and in the meantime start a war in Pakistan and Iran to force them into a position that will give us an excuse to have a war there too. Wars are too profitable for us because you can stop them. " And the little president will say, "Yes, sir."

Obama can promise health care to 50 million of Americans who do not have it, but can not defeat the veto of the war lobby and the insurance lobby. The lobby of the war says that the profits of war are more important than health care and that the country can not afford both the "war on terror" that "socialized medicine".

The insurance lobby says that health care must be given by private health insurance, otherwise we can not afford.

The lobbies of the war and insurance waved their agendas with campaign contributions in [election] and quickly convinced Congress and the White House that the real purpose of draft law on health care is to save money by cutting benefits to Medicare and Medicaid, and then "put the entitlements [Ed. vested rights] under control. "

Entitlements from the right is a word used to denigrate the few things that, in the distant past, the government was doing for its citizens. The Social Security and Medicare, for example, are decried as "entitlements." The right has unceasingly to talk about Social Security and Medicare as if they were gifts given to people unable to refuse to take care of themselves, when in fact the citizens are by far with a tax surcharge of 15% in their wages in exchange for the meager benefits.

fact, for decades the federal government has financed its wars and military budgets with a surplus revenue collected by the work of the Social Security tax.

claim, as the right, we can not afford the only thing in the entire budget that has consistently produced in excess of revenue means that the real purpose is to bring the average citizen to a state of destitution.

True entitlements are never mentioned. The budget of "defense" is an entitlement for the military and defense, on which President Eisenhower warned us 50 years ago. A person must be crazy to believe that the Member U.S., "the only superpower in the world, protected by oceans to the east and west and puppet states in the north and south, who needs a budget of" defense "than the entire military spending of the rest of the world put together.

The military budget is nothing but an entitlement to the military and security. To hide this fact, the entitlement is disguised as a protection against the "enemies" and then passed through the Pentagon.

I say, we eliminate the middleman and simply distribute a percentage of the federal budget to the military and security. In this way we will not need to invent excuses to invade other countries and go to war with the sole purpose of giving the military and its defense of entitlements. It would be far cheaper to give money directly, and also save a lot of lives and suffering at home and abroad.

the U.S. invasion of Iraq really had nothing to do with U.S. national interests. It had to do with the profits on armaments and the elimination of an obstacle to Israeli territorial expansion. The cost of the war, more than 3 trillion dollars, was of 4,000 Americans dead, over 30,000 injured and maimed tens of thousands of American marriages and destroyed careers lost Irackeni a million dead, four Irackeni million displaced and a country reduced to rubble.

All this was done for the profits of the military and security so that the paranoid and even Israel, armed with 200 nuclear bombs, could feel "safe."

My proposal would make the military and defense even richer because the companies would receive the money without having to make weapons. Rather, all the money could be used for bonuses and multimillion-dollar dividends to shareholders. No one, at home or abroad, should be killed, and the taxpayer would be far happier.

There is no national interest in the American war in Afghanistan. As revealed by former British Ambassador Craig Murray, the aim of war is to protect the interests of a Unocal pipeline through Afghanistan. The cost of the war is far greater investment in the oil dell'Unocal. The obvious solution is to buy the Unocal oil pipeline and give the Afghans as partial compensation for the destruction we have inflicted on this country and its people, and bring the troops home.

The reason for my reasonable solutions are not implemented is that the lobbies think that their entitlements would not survive if they become evident to all. They think that if the American people knew that wars are being fought to enrich the arms industries and oil, people would stop wars.

In fact, the American people has no right to an opinion on what "his" government is doing. Polls show that half or more than half of the American people do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and does not support the escalation of President Obama regarding the war in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the occupations and wars continue. According to General Stanley McChrystal, the 40.000 additional troops are enough to stall the war, that is, to make it go on forever, an ideal situation for the arms lobby.

The people want health care, but the government does not listen.

The people want a job, but Wall Street wants more expensive shares and forcing companies to shift American jobs to countries where labor is cheaper.

The American people have no control over anything. It can not affect anything. E 'became irrelevant as Obama. It will continue to be irrelevant as long as organized interest groups can buy the U.S. government.

The failure of American democracy to produce any outcome that the voters want is a proven fact. The complete absence of reaction of the government to the people is the contribution that conservatism has given to American democracy. A few years ago there was an attempt to put the government in the hands of the people by putting a brake on the ability of interest groups organized to pay huge sums of money in political campaigns and, therefore, require the officers to be elected to those employees who had paid the money. The Conservatives said that any restriction would be a violation of the First Amenda which guarantees freedom of speech.

The same "protectors" of the "free speech" did not have any objection, however, when the Israel lobby had to pass the bill on 'hate speech, "which criminalized criticism the genocidal treatment of the Palestinians and that Israel reserves the constant theft of their land.

In less than a year, President Obama has betrayed all his supporters and broke all his promises. Obama is the prisoner of the oligarchy of the prevailing interest groups. Unless you are saved from such an event orchestrated the Sept. 11, the Obama presidency will not last more than one term. In reality, the economy to collapse the damned, regardless of a "terrorist attack".

The Republicans are preparing to Palin. Our first female president, after our first black president, will complete the transition to a state police arrested American critics and immoral foreign policy and domestic protesters in Washington, and Palin will complete its destruction of America's reputation abroad.

Putin's Russia has already compared the U.S. to Nazi Germany, and the Chinese premier has compared the U.S. to a debtor's irresponsible and immoral.

So growing the rest of the world sees the U.S. as the sole source of all their problems. Germany lost the head of its armed forces and its defense minister, because the U.S. convinced prepend or, in one way or another, the German government to violate its own constitution and send troops to fight for the interests of Unocal in Afghanistan. The Germans have pretending that their troops were not really fighting, but that they were engaged in a "peacekeeping operation". This worked more or less until the Germans have ordered a Scripting plane crash that killed over 100 women and children who waited in line for a bit of fuel.

The British are investigating their criminal leader, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and deception that stood up against his own council of ministers to provide an excuse to Bush for his illegal invasion of Iraq. British investigators have been denied the ability to present criminal charges, but the issue of war based entirely on a machine of lies and deceit is being well-spread. Riecheggierà for the whole planet, and the world will see that there is no similar survey in the U.S., the country where it originated from the False War.

Meanwhile, U.S. investment banks, which have destroyed the financial stability of many governments, including the U.S., remain in control, as they have done since the Clinton administration, the economic and financial policy of the U.S.. The world has suffered in a terrible way for the gangsters of Wall Street, and now look to America with a critical eye.

United States do not raise more than that elicited under President Ronald Reagan or President George Herbert Walker Bush. Polls show the world that the U.S. and its puppet head is seen as the two greatest threats to peace. Washington and Israel than in the list of the most dangerous nutcase regime of North Korea.

The world is beginning to see America as a country that has to go on. When the dollar is over-inflated by a Washington unable to pay its bills, the world will be motivated by greed and try to save to save his investment, or will say, thank God, that liberation.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Antipersperint Phenosulfate

welcome a visit from Brazil: Diego Melo Among

We received a welcome visit of Fra Diego Melo, the referent of the support program we launched in Brazil with the Holy Land Center of Petropolis, in Italy for a period of study.
Although short, the 'meeting was useful for Fra Diego visit our office and define the organizational aspects of the support program that currently covers more than a hundred children. Solidaria center supports the Holy Land since 2006 . Here Among

Diego posing with staff of Solidaria

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Non Religious Wedding Service Wording

Long live the anarchist Pinelli

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Headache Fromcold Weather

This time, the solidarity of Michele Mocellin and his group of friends after school Epifanias Cuevas of Barahona, went to school Nuevo Amanecer with Christ Vila Hermosa, always in the Dominican Republic. And once again, as above, the opportunity for a short vacation was an opportunity to offer a witness of solidarity.

beneficiaries were the students who received books, notebooks and pens, indispensable tools to study and, for many, unattainable. Set in a batey of La Romana province, about 100 km from the capital, inhabited by Haitians used as cutters sugar cane harvest period, support for this school was requested by the local community Solidaria.

The project is in early stage and are progressing on the first assignment of students to the Italian godfathers who, with their contributions, financing activities and actions of support project: Work on the building structure, salary for teachers, school pupils.

Thanks again Michael and his group of friends who, though distant, they decided to once again offer a witness of solidarity.

Here are some moments of the distribution of school supplies

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Onde Encontrar Shiny Stone

Codex Alimetarius

The Codex Alimetarius enter into force on 31 December 2009 and could be the greatest disaster to human health: determine the food safety standards and regulations in over 160 countries around the world, ie the 97 % of the world.

Commessione of Commerce The Codex Alimentarius ( who in 1994 declared the toxins as nutrients) is currently funded and conducted by the WHO (which belongs to the UN) and the FAO.

A set of international standards aiming at the protection of "health" of consumers through the marketing practices: prepared food, semi-finished, raw, food hygiene, food additives, pesticides, contamination, labeling, methods of analysis. The hidden purpose is to outlaw any alternative method in the field of health, such as naturist therapies, the use of food supplements, vitamins and all that could be a potential competitor for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

The lobby of medicinal chemistry was founded by a group led by Rockefeller and dall'IGFarben of Nazi Germany. The IGFarben since 1932 gave Hitler a grant of 400,000 marks, without which the Second World War could not have taken place in Auschwitz and in 1941 built the largest chemical industry world taking advantage of the labor of concentration camps. In the process of Noriberga IGFarben those responsible were found guilty of genocide, slavery and other crimes. But a year after the conviction, in 1952, and the leaders were freed with the help of Nelsen Rockefeller (who at that time was Minister of Foreign Affairs in the USA) and infiltrated into the German

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How Beautiful Are The Feetin Sandals Means

A lesson of solidarity in the world every three seconds a child dies

"In the world every three seconds a child dies, of which 90% to easily preventable causes"

, said the report "The new challenge: to put a stop to child mortality " presented yesterday by Save the Children.

" in the world every three seconds a child under 5 years of life lost, for a total of over 24 thousand children a day, almost 9 million in one year. In particular, almost 4 million does not exceed the neonatal period (first 28 days of life), of which 2 million die within 24 hours of birth and an alt ro million by the first week. Most of them die of easily preventable causes such as neonatal complications (37%), pneumonia (19%), diarrhea (17%), malaria (8%), measles (4%) "- noted the report.

According to Save the Children, based on current trend of annual improvement, the fourth Millennium Development Goal that aims to reduce the mortality by two thirds child, will be achieved in 2045 instead of 2015. And that means millions of children still die, because they have put in place simple, low cost solutions, however, can mean the difference between life and death. Among them the assistance of skilled personnel during delivery, immediate post-natal care, preventive and therapeutic treatments for pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria, support for nutrition, breast feeding, supplementary nutrition, economic resources and broader security programs social.

Several countries have shown, however, that change is possible. Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, China, Mexico, Nepal and Philippines are on track to achieve the specific objective of the Millennium.
And some of them are successful in spite of problems of weak governance and corruption and in a context of deep poverty. But to believe in change, you can also consider the more developed countries: in 1900, the infant mortality rate in the United Kingdom was 140 dead babies per 1,000 live births, while the U.S. was 100 per 1,000, the worst rates of that recorded currently in Liberia (93 in 1000).
Save the Children intends to put pressure on governments to increase the funds allocated to interventions to promote maternal and child health. It is estimated, in fact, that it would take an investment additional 36 to 45 billion dollars a year, more than the figure of 31 billion in 2008 to reduce infant and maternal mortality, a figure that represents less than half of what is spent annually on bottled water. By contrast, the overall impact of maternal and neonatal deaths is estimated at 15 billion dollars a year, in terms of lost productivity.
" According to the latest official data available, the appropriations of GDP for Official Development Assistance (ODA) to position the Italian government last place among the OECD countries. In fact, in 2009 our country is last in the list "- said Valerio Blacks, Director General of Save the Children Italy. " Against a very dramatic situation, which needs more investment, especially in view of achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Save the Children is calling on the Italian government for a substantial increase in the allocation of ODA, in order to reach 0, gradually to reach 3% to 0.7% of GDP, in accordance with international commitments taken by Italy. In particular, the next 5 years will be critical to develop bilateral activities aimed at ensuring that package of interventions are simple, inexpensive and already clearly identified, which are able to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and mothers in countries with high rate di mortalità ”.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Slang Kill Mockingbird

This is the power

Here are the full names of Power, who they are, where they are, what they do. So you will know them and know who really decides how we live today. So avoid committing all your time to fight the puppets of power, and I'm referring to Berlusconi, Gelli, Napolitano, D'Alema, the Ministers of the Republic, caste and regional gangs. So you no longer quell'imbarazzo in discussions when the listener asks, "Yes, but who exactly is the system?", And I was up to answer the vagueness as "the multinational empire ... ... ... politicians."

Here are the full names, and then, after having told the birthplace of the power ('That's how we died,', now the actuality of power. However, it is a necessary precondition very short.

Power was exceptionally skilled in many aspects, one of them was his disguise.

Power was to remain in the shadows, because the sunlight would have had endless trouble by citizens more aware of modern democracies.

And so the power has foisted a false image of himself in the role of politicians, governments, and their henchmen, so that our focus was all on those catalyzed, while the real power was acting essentially undisturbed. Generations of citizens are in fact grown in utter conviction that the power in the same blue car that came from ministries, national parliaments, in their regional ramifications, and in their business and malaffari. Unfortunately, this mental habit is so ingrained in millions of people who only tell you the opposite is greeted by disbelief if not derision. But the truth is, as I will demonstrate below. Literally, what you all think is the power is nothing but a series of puppet where the real power of politics to leave the yard with their pies to be shared, provided, however, that then execute the orders received. Those orders are the real important decisions about how we all have to live. E 'so that at least 35 years. In essence, the point is this: the C-series combat the problems Democrats (tangentopoli, the party politics, the D'Alem-mess-ups Berlusconi, the pact with the mafia, the attack on the courts of this or that politician, the local policies of the Praetorian Guard this or that party, etc..) is certainly something useful, do not deny it, but do not think that will change a single comma in the capital problems of all Italians, that is your life problems, because their origin is enacted elsewhere and true power. Or we can understand this by making a great leap in consciousness, or we are against the wall. "A huge and comprehensive gear operating system invisible from afar. Often clear decisions democratic, drains the sovereignty of states and requires elected governments. " Brazilian President Lula at the World Hunger Summit in 2004.

E 'in the air. Like I said, I'll be specific, but you must understand above all else that today the power is above all an idea economy. Today the real power is in the air, literally you have to imagine that there is a metaphysical being, precisely that idea, which has enveloped the world and says this: 'A few have chosen to receive the power of many. The many must feel confident that the edges and wait for the good coli on the top of the Chosen. Governments Levine back and allow that to happen. 'Some of you have recognized, is still the old theory of Trickle Down Economics of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, that is, neoliberalism, that the Chicago school, which is the purism of the Free Market. This economic idea dictates every act of power, and therefore your life, which means it really is always on the basis of the actions of governments and legislators, administrators and employers. So it controls you, the places where you live, your job, your health, your finances, just your everyday ordinary things abstruse and not far from your life. Its strength lies in the fact of being present for 35 years in all places of power exactly like the air we breathe in the rooms where it exists. Breathing, try to understand this, men and women of power, non-stop from the moment they set foot in the university until his death, as found in parliaments, on the boards, banks, administrations, to conferences where they know each other and work together, everywhere, no escape. I'm won over, hypnotized, guided. Power has created around the idea of \u200b\u200bpowerful bodies, which will now describe, whose job is just to put it into practice, nothing else. They are then the physical part of Power, but which for convenience we call the real power.

First organ: The Club

The first organ of power and the Club, namely the grouping in specific places and exclusive real powerful. Who am I? They are financiers, industrialists, ministers, lawyers, intellectuals, soldiers, politicians chosen with care.

Please note: this club is never in the places that we believe are the places of power, that is, in parliaments, in the Presidency, the judiciary, ministries or business. It is made by men and women from those places, but that always meet outside of them, and in private. How to say when those men and women sit in democratic institutions are only perpetrators of acts (laws, investment, cuts ...) which were decided by them in the club It takes different names depending on where you meet. For example, called the Trilateral Commission if its members are meeting in Washington, Tokyo or Paris (but sometimes in other EU capitals). The main facts of the Trilateral: founded in 1973 as a group of powerful Americans, Europeans and Japanese, after only two years to draw up rules for the global destruction of the left and the death of participatory democracy, even taken place, the guide asserts the supremacy of the elites on the masses of citizens to be "apathetic" and other nations, has 390 members, including most notably (past and present) Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Carter, David Rockefeller, Brzezinski Zbigniev, Giovanni Agnelli, Arrigo Levi, Carlo Secchi, Edmond de Rothschild, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Alan Greenspan, Peter Sutherland, Alfonso Cortina, Takeshi Watanabe, Ferdinando Salleo, along with academics (Harvard, Korea University, Seoul, Nova University at Lisbon, Bocconi University, Princeton University ...), governors banks (Goldman Sachs, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée, Japan Development Bank, Mediocredito Central Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Chase Manhattan Bank, Barclays ...) ambassadors, oil companies (Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon ...), ministers, industrialists (Solvay, Mitsubishi Corporation, The Coca Cola co. Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar, Fiat, Dunlop ...) Foundations (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Brookings Institution, Carnegie Endowment ...).

They decide each year on topics such as' monetary system ',' global governance ',' direct the International Trade ',' deal with Iran ',' oil ',' energy , security and climate ',' strengthen the global institutions', 'Manage the international system in the future'. That is all, and reading the reports which includes stylus as their addresses have become reality in our national policies with a certain disconcerting. When the club needs more privacy, it makes an appointment in less visible areas of the palaces of the great capitals, and in this case is called the Bilderberg Group, named after the Dutch hotel that hosted the first meeting in 1954. The facts of this organization: it is mostly the same characters of the above plus many others in rotation, but with one crucial difference, since this group also have access to politicians or monarchs currently in office, while the Commission Trilateral are normally ex. We speak in any case always of the same race, so that was an offshoot of the Bilderberg in 1973 to found the Trilateral Commission. The Group is still much more 'Carbonari' Trilateral, and that because his original specialty was military and strategic affairs. In fact, it is fought in several Secretaries-General of NATO and strives to work easily in lobbying as does the Commission. The distinctive feature of Bilderberg is that disruptive inside the powerful can, say, rising currencies and be at liberty to declare that what we really think or want to free all of the obligations of institutional and role. Precisely in this lies the danger of what is discussed in the group, since in it the deepest desires of power are not even that shred of that brake the institutional forces. Hence the tradition of maintaining an aura around the Bilderberg's strict secrecy. Participants are the usual suspects, including a group of Italians in key positions in the national economy, culture and politics. Do not list them because there are no official lists we encounter only a welter of denials (a list can be found on Wikipedia anyway). A fact not smentibile however, and very important, is the crystal clear statement of Viscount Etienne Davignon, who in 2005 was chairman of Bilderberg, issued to BBC: "At the annual meetings, we automatically around our table ... the internationalists who support the World Trade Organization, transatlantic cooperation and European integration." That is, the record of the Free Market with supranational power (see below) , and the godfathers of the Lisbon Treaty, that the coup with the European supranational power that has transformed us into citizens who are ruled by unelected bureaucrats. Again, the usual masters of our lives, which means final decisions on labor, social security, social services, mortgage rates, cost of living etc.., No outlets or at the Elysee Palace Chigi, but in Geneva or Brussell or central banks, having been discussed at Bilderberg.

To give a concrete idea of \u200b\u200bhow these clubs and other organs of power are actually a single block reciprocating always the same characters, I submit the figure of Peter Sutherland . He found himself in the head the British Petroleum, the super bank Goldman Sachs, the university The London School of Economics (one of the forges global finance ministers), and was also the UN Special Representative for Migration and Development, Director General of the World Trade Organization (second organ of Power), a member European Commission (the super-government in Europe), and Minister of Justice of Ireland. And, of course, a member of the Trilateral Commission that the Bilderberg Group. According to court: The Colossus of Ginevra.Si called World Trade Organization (WTO), was born in 1994 and is more powerful than any nation or parliament. It brings together 153 countries in a single location in Geneva, where they dictate the rules of international trade, and you will understand this by saying that we are talking about virtually the whole economy of the world production, that there is decided. That is huge slices of our jobs, what we buy, eat, etc. with whom we care., Things of our everyday life, not abstract and far. To decide them, and as in the case of the new Europe of the Lisbon Treaty , including the rules adopted at the WTO, these agreements are supranational, that is more powerful than national laws. And as in the case of the Treaty, therefore becomes crucial that strong rules are decided democratically. In the Treaty are not, and the WTO? Nor. In fact, his organization of vote is distorted by the overwhelming power of the usual rich countries in the following way: the poor or less developed countries do not have the economic resources and qualified personnel in sufficient numbers to follow the colossal job of drafting the WTO Agreements (27,000 pages of complicated international law, 2,000 meetings per year) for which they are cut off. Who is at the helm is the so-called Quad group, consisting of U.S., Japan, Canada and Europe. But the whole of Europe is represented at the negotiating table of the WTO by the European Commission, that no citizen elect and to be more precise I tell you that in fact the people who decide for all of us Europeans is an even smaller number of bureaucrats: the mysterious 133 Committee of the Commission, made up of specialists even less legitimate. Italian politics under the agreements signed without even reading them.

If a country is opposed to a rule of WTO may be tried by a court inside the Dispute Settlement Body () with enormous powers. This court consists of three (sic) individuals extraction viability, whose final judgments are final. A ruling of the WTO may penalize or even reverse the democratic choices of millions of citizens, even in rich countries. For example, all Europe was ordered to pay the U.S. with millions of euro because it refused to import American beef containing hormones. Neither the United States has authority over decisions of the WTO. President Obama, under pressure from citizens due to the financial catastrophe of last year, had decided to impose new restrictive rules of the wild speculations of banks (the cause of the crisis). But he been dammed up by just one rule of the WTO, called the Agreement on Financial Services, and which states the exact opposite, that prohibits the White House and Congress to regulate those mega banks. And you know who, years ago, that agreement negotiated at the WTO? Timothy Geithner, the current U.S. Treasury Secretary, who is a member of the Bilderberg Group. Sobering.

We still do a quick idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the WTO.

Agreements that gave birth: 1) have the power to deprive the health policies of any country, cracking the old precautionary principle, which protects us from the exchange of Dangerous Goods (WTO: Sanitary-Phytosanitary Agreement).

2) deprive the citizen the freedom of knowing what conditions have made the goods they buy and with criteria that are made, also hinder the use of labels for consumer protection (WTO: Sanitary-Phytosanitary Agreement & Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement, with implications on workers' rights and environmental protection).

3) require politicians to grant foreign corporations the same conditions as national companies in tenders, regardless of the need to promote employment national and threaten the choices of local administrators in case they want to facilitate the integration of disadvantaged groups, because such policies are deemed to be discrimination to the free market (WTO: Agreement on Government Procurement - principle of national treatment, etc...)

4) centralized in the hands of a few multinational patents, the majority of active and plants that are used for medicines or for agriculture, since they allow the private patenting of life forms and protect those patents 20 years. Moreover, the fact that patents are protected for 20 years by the WTO is also the basis of the lack of life saving drugs in poor countries. (WTO: TRIPS Agreement on Intellectual Property).

5) are promoting the privatization and openness to all and sundry to the free market of foreign citizenship to virtually all services, even essential ones such as health, water, education, elderly care and so on., With rules in fact that will prevent local administrators to protect the less wealthy citizens who can not afford private services (WTO: GATS agreement under negotiation). And remember, if proof were needed, that these agreements are binding on any national law, deprived then our politicians from the management of our economy in the chapters that count.

Third Body: The prompters.

Take a bill and a decree in the economic field, even a financial contribution. Think of it in the hands of the politicians who implement them, and now imagine what lies behind it. What? I 'prompters'. Who am I? They are lobbyists, that is, those that are received in private by every politician in the world that matters and that 'suggest' (often called) the contents of laws and decrees, but also the guidelines of government and even the programs of the electoral coalitions . The lobby is not the wasters of fanciful invention of the Network are institutions with names and surnames, with offices, with budgets (Huge) expense, which employs the best minds of the public relations representative of the true power. In order of firepower, there are obviously lobbies the international, European and finally the Italian ones. Based on them. It must be said immediately that in our country, the interference of 'prompters' has never reached the levels of dominance of American or European counterparts, whose work, however, that law for contagion in our house. But nevertheless it is, and should not be neglected, because in Italy there is a legal vacuum total activity of lobbyists: After dozens of bills, none of them has ever landed in the Official Gazette. Lobbyists Italian are about a thousand, organized into several companies including tick the networks, turnover of € 6 million per year and management of a former iron d'Alema, Claudio Velardi (other groups: Zanetto Cattaneo & co., VM Institutional Relations, Burson -Marsteller, Beretta-Di Lorenzo & partners ...). The projection for the future of 'prompters' Italian is at least ten thousand units within ten years, at least according to the demands of the most well known. In the absence of rules, therefore, things work like this: you take advantage of the law for Berlusconi's party financing that allows covert funding for political parties up to € 50,000 for each donor, with the possibility for lobby on duty to have paid € 49,999 from the chassis, some 49,999 from his wife, some 49,999 by his son, etc.. infinity. In this way, with an estimate based on past budgets, it is estimated that the undeclared money paid to Italian politics amount to several tens of millions of euro per year, from the construction, highway, metallurgy, private healthcare, banking, television, real estate among others.

The effects on citizens are also laws and regulations often go to change for the worse our economy and working life. Give just one sobering: While it is obvious that the big money to be spent for 'tips' to two major Italian parties, it is striking that the UDC will be offered in external pocketed something like € 2.2 million in 2008, of which 80% of a single lobbyist ( the real estate Caltagirone).

Those of you who still think that the power the politicians in Rome, Pier Ferdinando Casini think of the freedom to legislate in the field of real estate, just as an example. But not only that Antonio di Pietro collects € 50,000 from the family Lagostena Netherlands, which controls the local TV market, but at the same time serves Silvio Berlusconi and the Lega Nord forages. A handout grant? Unlikely.

Knight then, do not even talk about it, is made known to the criticatissimo bridge over the Strait of Messina, with consequences that will have on all the Italians, it is not the son of Mr Berlusconi's ideas, rather than this Marcellino Gavio, owner the group's namesake and the first in the running for the enterprise, but also as the first funding to the PDL with the € 650,000 paid last year.

I 'prompters' American ... what to say. In the U.S., the industry lobby is no longer even recognizable economic from political power, not really clear where the first and end up where you start the second. Too much to tell, a story immense, but I can sum up with some sketches. The oil lobby and administration of George W. Bush, the result: two illegal wars and bloody (Iraq and Afghanistan), mountains of deaths (over 2 million), war crimes, the entire international community in danger, oil prices skyrocketing, a result the cost of our lives the stars, but also the stars of the oil profits. Who decided? Answer: Members of the above-mentioned oil lobby, which is Dick Cheney, James Baker III, former Enron's Kenneth Lay, the chairman of Carlyle Group's Frank Carlucci, Robert Zoellick, Thomas White, George Schultz, Jack Sheehan, Don Evans, Paul O'Neil, a service of Shell, Mobil, UnionCarbide, Huntsman, Amoco, Exxon, Alcoa, Conoco, Carlyle, Halliburton, Kellogg Brown & Root, Bechtel and Enron. George W. Bush is the politician most 'oiled' in American history, with only from the coffers of giant oil and gas, an impressive tally of over 1 million seven hundred thousand dollars. Lobby financial / insurance and Barak Obama: the U.S. banks collapsed in 2008 after defrauding millions of people and thousands of other international banks, seven million American families losing their jobs, the entire world economy goes to the peak, including Italy. Obama signed a haemorrhage of public money after the other to save the backside of the bankers and fraudsters to revive the economy (From 5 trillion to an estimated 11,000 seconds), without even one of those rascals end up in jail. Or rather, his government has called to clean up the disasters of this global crisis the same people who created it. Instead of them fail, and of using public money to people in trouble, Obama and his Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have offered him a pile of easy money to buy the debts of failed banks. It works like this: these criminals have received from Washington, 85% of the money needed to buy those debts, while they put it only 15%. If things are going well, if that will come back to win, he pocketed all the profits, but if go wrong, they lose out only 15%, 85% because it has put the U.S. government and is not to return (the money given away so called non-recourse loans). It 's the usual "lemon socialism: the taxpayers' losses and profits of private investors." Not only that the president is proposing in the summer of 2009, a regulation of the financial sector that has mocked the Washington Post calling it "devoid of analysis of the causes of the crisis ... and without any real control over hedge funds, the equity funds, and investors structured ", ie no real limit to the speculators who caused the disaster. Question: how much money Obama has taken in the country Election by the financial lobbies? Answer: 38 million dollars. So, who's in charge? The Chairman or the lobby of Power? Then there are the 45 million Americans without health care. Obama offers a false healthcare reform to protect the excluded, but that, despite the nonsense written by the Italian media, has nothing in the public and is another gift to the insurance giant American private. Question: how much money Obama has taken in the campaign lobby and health insurance? Answer: more than 20 million dollars. So, who's in charge? The Chairman or the lobby of Power? Washington has invaded every single day by something like 16,000 or 40,000 according to lobbyists who are registered or not, the perception exercise of power that is crystalline enough to push one of them, Robert L. Livingston, excited to blurt out, "There are unlimited business out there for us!", While the windows of his office spied on the premises of the U.S. Congress. But the last sketch of the power of 'prompters', again in the American context, is that of the Jewish lobby. Here the debate is between those who support those who are lobbying to manage the entire U.S. policy in the Middle East theater, and those who deny it. Personally I think more the former, but the substance does not change: in fact we are once again in front of the demonstration that even the most powerful government in the world can escape from the constraints of the real power. Here are a couple of prominent examples: In the spring of 2002, just as the Israeli army reinvadeva the Occupied Territories with the usual indiscriminate massacres of civilians, a group of prominent American supporters of Israel held a conference in Washington, where a is the ' administration of George W. Bush was invited to the then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, known neo-conservative right-wing and an open supporter of the Jewish nation.

The late Edward Said, professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York and one of America's most respected intellectuals of the twentieth century, told a special event with the following words: " Wolfowitz did what everybody else had done - extolled Israel, and offered him his total and unconditional support - but unexpectedly in his report made a fleeting reference to 'suffering of the Palestinians'. Because of that phrase was booed so fiercely and for so long that he could not finish his speech, leaving the podium in shame. "We are talking about one of the most powerful politicians of the third millennium, a man with an access directed at the White House and that many accrediting as the eminence grise behind every act of the same ex President of the United States. Yet enough overdriven only three words in his subservience to the State of Israel to be humiliated in public and without fear from those who obviously has more of him in America today. The Jewish lobby in America have well-known names: AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), ZOA (Zionist Organization of America), AFSI (Americans for a Safe Israel), CPMAJO (Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisatios), INEP ( Institute for Near East Policy), JDL (Jewish Defense League), B'nai Brith, ADL (Anti Defamation League), AJC (American Jewish Committee), Haddasah. In the halls of Congress can create serious trouble in Senate and Members alike. A united front that the same Edward Said "can destroy a political career out a check" In 1992, George Bush senior had the temerity (and recklessness) a few months after a possible re-election to the White House to threaten to Tel Aviv block of ten billion dollars in aid if it did not put a stop to Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories. Misstep: American Jewish voters, who traditionally are already inclined to vote Democratic, vanished before his eyes in response to the stresses of the lobby, and in the final account of the votes Bush found himself with a mere 12% of the electorate against the Jewish 35% who had cashed in 1988. On the contrary, the election campaign of his rival, Bill Clinton was rather watered by its lavish funding of those organizations, supporters of Israel, that the then president had thus ultimately alienato.E Europe, namely the European Union. Brussell means that in the end, that the European Commission, which is the real decision-making center of the continent, and that after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty has become the unelected super government of all of us, with immense power. A swarm Brussell from 15,000 to 20,000 lobbyists, who spend a billion euro a year to 'suggest' policies and laws to those who must make. And as always, here are the names of major groups: Trans Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) - European Services Leaders Group (ESLG) - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Investment Network (IN) - European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) - Liberalization of Trade in Servicies (LOTIS), European Banking Federation, International Capital Market Association and others. Their dominance can be made for example by saying that the Investment Network met directly within the European Commission building in Brussels, or that the TABD compiled lists of his desires that delivered to the Commission which then demanded a written report on obedience to those orders. The companies represented in the thousands, among which I quote a number of familiar names: Fiat and Pirelli, Barilla, Canon and Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia, Time Warner, Rank Xerox and Microsoft, Boeing (which also makes weapons), Dow Chemicals, Danone, Candy, Shell, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Carlsberg Glaxo, Bayer, Hoffman La Roche, Pfizer, Merck, and then banks, insurance companies, investors ...

I stop. The risk is to continue to be lost sight of the vital point, namely the siege that lobbyists bring to politics. It, as well as to demonstrate once again that real power is in the first and the second is a real attack on democracy. Because it has now completely distorted the constitutional principle of every civilized nation, that elected representatives must serve the interests of the majority of citizens and protect minorities, not to be the doormats of the elite and their 'prompters'.

Fourth organ Think Tanks.Letteralmente "think tanks" in the translation in Italian, the Think Tanks are just what, or foundations where some of the best brains are found to give birth to ideas. Their power lies in the assumption that this opens my discussion, namely that it is ideas to dominate both the history that politics, and consequently our lives, in particular economic idea. Lewis Powell understood this very well in 1971, when it gave way to the rescue of the elite at the end of participatory democracy and citizens' (read 'That's how we died,' In fact, he wrote: "There is an ideological war against the enterprise system and the values \u200b\u200bof Western society." The word 'ideology' is the key to understanding here, meaning that if the right economic hoped to regain the world, if you hoped to submit the policy, that is to become the real power, they were arming of ideas that can undermine any way of life. Here are his words that gave birth to the first Think Tanks, like the Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, and Accuracy in Academia. Their strategy was simple: raise money from wealthy donors, pick up the brightest minds in academia, pumping to know one way, statements prestigious, and input into the control system of infiltrating every society. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of impact these Think Tanks have been able to have, I quote a few facts. In one field of the Free Market, that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe true economic power, there are now 336, placed in rich countries as well as in strategic nations such as Argentina and Brazil, Eastern Europe, Africa, the 'India, China, former Soviet Asian republics, as well as in Italy (Adam Smith Soc, CMSS, ICER, Bruno Leoni Institute, Acton Institute). Some have bold names, such as Minimal government, The Boss, or the Philanthropy Roundtable, one of the best known and most aggressive is the Adam Smith Institute in London, which boasts an arrogance of power that claim this as their motto: " Only yesterday, our ideas were considered on the threshold of madness. Today they are on the threshold of Parliaments ". Again, the fact is always the same: politics is the puppet, or, at best, is the executive arm of the real power. In fact, the careful observer will have noticed that very often our economic ministers, our central bankers, but also Prime Minister (Prodi Draghi and all) are dinners and conferences at these foundations / think tanks, which in some rare cases the damage Tg local news. Apparently ceremonies pompous and boring, in fact, what happens to you is that ministers, bankers and prime minister go there to give an account of what they have done to please the idea of \u200b\u200bthe true economic power. In 1982, Adam Smith published his well-known Omega Project, a study that had enormous repercussions on the management of our lives of ordinary workers, and where you read that its purpose was "to provide a complete path for any government based on the principles of Free Market, minimal taxes, minimal regulations for business and governments more marginal (sic). " In other words, everything which has already devoured the public life in Britain, France, USA and is now "on the threshold of Parliament" in Italy. Fifth body: the Europe of the bureaucrats eletti.Non not repeat myself, because this chapter has already exhaustively described here But I reiterate the point: after the ratification of the "coup in Europe, which is called the Lisbon Treaty, 500 million Europeans will soon be ruled by elite bureaucrats, not elected in accordance with economic principles, political and social spaces sided with the real power which you are dealing with here, and that none of us could choose either discuss. The Italian government has ratified this legal abomination without a word, obeying as sempre.Sesto Institution: The Court of International Investors and speculators.

was September 16, 1992, a Wednesday. That day, an individual decided to break his back to Britain. Mind you, not to Burkina Faso, to Britain. And he did. George Soros, an international investor and speculator, he sold all of a sudden something like 10 billion pounds, causing the collapse of the value of English money which was thus expelled from the European Monetary System. Soros pocketed more than $ 1 billion, but millions of Brits wept bitter tears, and the British government he was humiliated.

was August 1998, and in the heat of New York an individual contemplated the collapse of world markets because of him. John Meriwether, an international investor and speculator, had for years played dirty and seduced almost all major banks in the world with $ 4.6 billion in high-risk. His company, Long-Term Capital Management, was known on Wall Street because its managers have the title of 'The masters of the universe', that is drunk of a few individuals in power. Meriwether lost everything, and markets in the world, the end is our jobs, trembled. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York had to intervene with the usual emergency rescue at the expense of taxpayers. It was last year, and an office in London American AIG insurance, an individual, of a new international investor and speculator named Joseph Cassano, had to take up the handset and say the White House "... I sent to hell with your economy, sorry. " And he had really done. This time the scam of its investments was 500 billion dollars, the usual international banks (including Italian) there were up to their ears with figures of trillions of dollars at risk. Worldwide panic, the end of the credit to work almost around the globe and, on the plate of our citizens, here served the most dangerous economic crisis since 1929 to the present. That is the usual bitter tears, truly love, for the families of Toronto as those of Perugia, for those of Cincinnati as those of Lyon, Madrid etc. as Vercelli. Not to mention the last of the Earth ... Three terribly true stories that describe clear, indeed, very clear, what is meant by the 'Court of International Investors and speculators', and what their immense power in the world today. Other than Tremonti or Confindustria.

In today's world there is a community of individuals individuals capable of handling such huge amounts of wealth in a few hours to undermine the economy of a country rich, or the economies of hundreds of millions of workers who have labored a lifetime for them, that families on the streets, businesses close. Their decisions are judgments as planetary. Final. Consider, if you can think of such an enormity, that they are swinging on the Planet something like 525 thousand billion dollars in just financial products 'derivatives', ie money at very high risk of sudden bankruptcy. 525 000 billion ... I offer a comparison to understand: the Gross Domestic Product USA is 14 trillion dollars. It makes the idea? Italy depends like any other nation by foreign investors, to figures which are around € 40 billion per year, or more than two financial state combined. Imagine if a similar figure would disappear from our economy today. In 2008, almost happened, because it suddenly disappeared more than half (57%) with the result in terms of loss of jobs, insecurity, and its domino effect on the economy of which we hear about the news. I repeat: someone who is not at Palazzo Chigi, Italy decides that must be subtracted from the value of a whole over financial reporting. So, from year to year, an amount equal to all that the state can spend is subtracted from the citizens 'Court of International Investors and speculators', a whim. This tyranny of the real power takes the technical name of Capital Flight (literally taking flight capital), and it is interesting to note the candor with which the 'Court' describes the practice: just read where it says that "Capital Flight is shifting money looking for higher profits ... that huge flows of capital out of a country ... often so enormous affect on the entire financial system of a nation. " Too bad that there are half of the usual bulky humans millions. In addition to the Italian case, think of France, more prosperous and powerful state, but not enough to escape the judgments of the 'Court', which has punished the Elysee with a capital flight amounted to 125 billion dollars for a legislated single tax business.Conclusione.Gli unwelcome to the executive of the real power is not limited to these six, you could add the World Economic Forum, the Codex Alimentarius, the IMF, the system of central banks, multinational drug companies. But those mentioned are essential to know, the primary. A final brief note should be given to regional mafias, which are often mistakenly listed among the great powers (and unfortunately I can not get here in so that they may be a characteristic phenomenon Italian). The fighting is sacrosanct to them, but the power that would be subtracted from a possible first victory of civil society is nothing compared to what described above, and secondly it is still a power granted to him by others. Drug trafficking, prostitution, arms trafficking, and recycling of toxic waste are services that the mafias engaged on behalf of principals always related to real power, or because it put up or why its important gear. Serve as shown here in 1994 by the investigative program 'Panorama' of the BBC, where an insider of the British organized crime was willing to lead the reporter in the heart of the world's most powerful mafia ", in London. The car they were traveling with a hidden camera stopped ... destination in the heart of the City's financial capital. Pointing out the window the skyscrapers of the giants of international business, said the penitent: "Here they are, they're all there." (Consider that the global turnover of the thighs is estimated about 80 billion dollars, which are one third of the turnover of a single multinational drug companies like Pfizer) If my lines have been effective at this point readers should look back to those little men in blue double-bounce the night in our Tg with the prefix On or suffix PDL, PD, UDC, and should have no say pity, but at least see them for what they are: the puppets of another Power. But above all, readers should be able to finally connect the dots of the puzzle, and he understood where the problems are in fact capital of our lives as citizens, or even the daily dramas that so many working families are suffering, that is, those who decided, who will decide today and how they are called. From here, a simple consideration: If you care about democracy, social justice, economy and your daily work and essential services to the person, then you have to hit those who really work to avoid, that is the real power. We should organize itself for the big reveal public and to finally fix it. Now I know, especially now you know what kind of machine deadly, huge and powerful it is. It is obvious from what the current methods of control of the movements are pitifully inadequate, infantile fantasies, flashes in the pan, never a single moment have worried that real power. Therefore I appeal once again: MUST UNDERSTAND THAT LIMIT FOR A TITAN OF THE POST AND THE ONLY HOPE 'organizations oppose it ACTIVISTS AND COMMUNICATION exceptionally compact, FINANCE, FERRATA COVERED, ON THE WHOLE, THE WORK ALWAYS, implacable, PLACES OF ORDINARY PEOPLE FOR YEARS. (Http:// There is no other hope, as long as there is still hope. Paul
BarnardFonte: www.paolobarnard.infoLink: main sources of this article: Trilateralism, Holly Skala, South End Press, 1980.Who pulls the strings ? John Ronson, The Guardian, March 10 2001Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group, BBC News, 29 September 2005 Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece - and here's Their address, Timesonline, 14 May 2009The Council on Foreign Relations and the Center for Preventive Action, Michael Baker, March 6, 2008, ZnetWTO, material taken from the investigation I globalizers, RAI 3 Report, 06/09/2000, Paul Barnard, - \u200b\u200bPublic Citizen: Trade Watch, USA - The Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands - The World Trade Organization: The Marrakech Treaty - Corporate Europe Observatory, Amsterdam, Netherlands - The Economic Policy Institute, Washington DC, USA - Friends of the Earth, Brussels, Belgium - Corporate Watch, USA - Oxfam UK - Global Policy Forum Europe, Bonn, Germany - Institute for Policy Studies, USA et al., and studies of authors, including Joseph Stiglitz, Jeff Faux , Noam Chomsky, Greg Palast, Susan George, Richard W. Behan, Alexandra Wandel, Peter Rosset, Dean Baker, Barry Coates et al.Master in Public Affairs, Lobbying, and Institutional Relations, LUMSA at the University of Rome, texts of prof. Franco Spicciariello. Gianni Del Vecchio, Stefano Pitrelli, The Treasure of Casta, Roberto L'Espresso 03.16.2009 Mania, Matt Power that governs Italy, La Repubblica 03/02/2009 Paul Barnard, 'Primary, Democratic Party, Law conflict of interest ', Il Sole 24 Ore Golem, ITS 2007Big Oil Protects Interests, The Center for Public Integrity, July 15, 2004JOHN M. Broder, Oil and Gas Aid Bush Bid For President, New Yor Times, June 23, 2000Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, The Road to Riches Is Called K Street, Washington Post, June 22, 2005Federal Electronically Election Commission data released on Monday, October 27, 2008.http: / / Robert Kuttner & MICHAEL HUDSON, Democracy Now Feb. 13 2009Paolo Barnard, 'Why do they hate us', Rizzoli BUR, 2006.Paolo Barnard, 'For A Better World',, 2004Corporate Europe Observatory, Lobbies Financial - A Guided Tour of the Brussels EU Quarter, 23 September 2009Paolo Barnard, 'That's how we died,', 2009Free Market Think Tank Links, Atlas Economic Research Foundation ~ 1201 L St. NW Washington, DCFinancial services industry lobby groups listed on EC lobbying register, 9 March 2009, Corporate Europe ObservatoryThe Adam Smith Institute, The Omega Project, by Norman Chapman et al. Conducted for research from the Adam Smith Institute.I globalizers, Paul Barnard, Report RAI 3, 09/06/2000 Paul Barnard, 'The Scarecrow and the catastrophe',, 2009Crollano foreign investment, -57 percent in Italy - Il Sole 24 Ore, September 17 2009World Investment Prospects Survey, UNCTAD, 2009-2011The Washington Post, New Money Flee France and Its Wealth Tax, July 16, 2006

Monday, November 2, 2009

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" is truly amazing, yet so common that there is more to be sorry that surprising to see millions and millions of men serve miserably, his neck under the yoke, not constrained by a larger force, but because it seems to be fascinated and intrigued by the name only one of which should not fear the power, just as it is, nor love the quality, as to them is inhumane and savage. [...] But, good God! What's this? As we would say that's his name? What a calamity is this? As vice, or rather, as unfortunate habit? See an infinite number of people do not obey, but to serve, not to be ruled, but tyrannized, without the goods belong or no relatives, no wife nor children, nor their own lives! Endure the looting, the licentiousness, cruelty, not an army, not a horde of barbarous, against which we should first defend their blood and their lives, but only one [...] We will call this cowardice? we say that those who serve are cowardly and weak? If two, three or four people defend themselves from another, this is strange, but possible, we can rightly be said that lack of courage. But if a hundred, a thousand one bear, you should not say that they do not want, do not dare to attack him, and that is not cowardice, but rather spregevolezza and abjection? [...] So what is this monstrous vice that does not even deserve the name of cowardice, and for which there is a period sufficiently offensive that nature denies that it generated and the tongue refuses to appoint? ".

"This tyrant only, no need to fight it, no need to defeat it, is itself already defeated, just that the country does not consent to enslavement. We must not take away anything, but do not give him anything. There is no need to worry that the country do anything for themselves, provided you do not do anything against him. It is therefore the same people who let themselves be bullied or rather do, because stopping it would be free to serve. It is the people who submits, which cuts the throat and being able to choose between being slave and being free to leave the freedom and takes the yoke, which consents to its evil, or rather, pursues it. [...] If you have the freedom just lust, if there is only need a simple act of will, as people in the world could be considered too expensive, being able to get only with a desire to [...]? ".

"He who dominates so there has only two eyes, two hands, one body has nothing more than the man least of the immense and infinite number of our cities, if not superiority that attributed to destroy you. Where did so many eyes, with which you light, if you offer them to him? As with so many hands to strike you, if you do not take from you? The feet that trample with your city, from where they have taken, if not from you? How do I get so much power over you except through your own? How dare attack us, had he not your complicity? What would you if you are not the recipe for the thief who plunders you, you accomplices of the Assassin kills and traitors to yourselves? ".

"There are three kinds of tyrants: some receive the kingdom through the election of the people, the other by force of arms, and still others by inheritance. Those who have acquired the right of war behaves in such a way as to understand that he is, so to speak, in a land of conquest. Those who are born rulers are not usually much better, even being born and nourished in the tyranny, suck the milk nature the tyrant, and consider the people who are subject to them, such as hereditary slaves, and, according to their nature as greedy or extravagant, as they are, regard the kingdom as their property. Who won the state power by the people [...] is stranger than outweigh the other tyrants in all sorts of vice, and even cruelty, finding no other means to ensure the new slavery and tyranny that extend away from their subjects so freedom, which, as I live, you can make him lose his memory. To tell the truth, then there is some difference between them, but I do not see a choice at all, and as methods to reach power are different, the way to rule is almost always like that. "

"Certainly, all people, retain until something human, if you leave subject, or are forced or deceived are [...] It's amazing how the people, when it is subject, quickly falls into an oblivion so deep freedom that he can not awaken to regain, but does so sincerely and so willingly, to see it, it seems that has not lost his freedom, but earned his servants. It is true that, at first, is forced by the strength and losers, but those who come after with no regrets and are happy to do what their predecessors had done for strength. It's so that men born under the yoke, and then reared and brought up in slavery, without looking ahead, are content to live as they were born, and do not think at all to have another asset or other right, except that they have received, and natural to take the state of their birth. You can not say that nature has an important role in influencing our nature in one way or another, but we must also confess that we have less power over the practice: in fact the natural character, no matter how good, is lost if not treated; education shapes us always in his way, anyway, despite the character. The seeds of the good that nature puts in us are so small and fragile that it can not withstand the impact of minimum education otherwise, are conserved with more difficulties than will be damaged, and disfino will be reduced to nothing. " Thus, although the human nature is free, a habit which has major effects on individuals, not their character, and so if they accept the servants have always been brought up as slaves: "The nature of man is right to be free and want to be, but its nature is such that naturally preserves the angle that gives education. "

" theaters, plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, exotic beasts, medals, paintings and other similar distractions not serious, were for ancient peoples the bait of servitude, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny. These were the methods, practices, solicitations that used the old tyrants to numb their subjects under the yoke. So people, stupefied, finding those beautiful pastimes, enjoyed by a vain pleasure, that passed before their eyes became accustomed to serve more children who foolishly saw the shining image of picture books, they learn to read. "

"The tyrants awarded a quarter of wheat, half liter of wine and a sestertius, and then it was pity to hear shouting:" Long live the king! " The louts did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of them, and that what is retrieved, the tyrant could not give it unless it had taken to themselves. "

" the Roman emperors did not forget to take even usually the title of tribune of the people, both because that was considered sacred, and because it was established for the promotion and protection of the people, and under the protection of the state. Thus guaranteeing that the people he trusted most of them, as if to hear the name and not the effects. Today there are much better than those who do all sorts of mischief, even important, and preceded by some pretty speech the public good and on the common. "

"I do not believe it immediately, but it certainly is true: they are always four or five who support the tyrant, four or five who keep the entire country into slavery. It always happened that five or six have had the confidence of the tyrant, who have been approached by him, or called by him [...]. These six have six hundred who profit under them, and do what they do with these six hundred with the tyrant. These will take six thousand six hundred beneath them, which have high in the hierarchy, to which they give the government or the provinces, or the management of public funds [...]. This leads to large consequences, and those who want to unravel the fun, you will see that, not six thousand, but a hundred thousand, million, are held with the rope tied to the tyrant [...]. In short, you'd come through or under favors favors, earnings and returns that are under the tyrants, they are fine with almost as many people for whom tyranny seems profitable, how those whose freedom would be appreciated. "

"I think it is beyond doubt that, if we lived according to the rights which nature has given us and according to the teachings that we addressed, we would naturally obedient to their parents, followers of reason and the servants of anyone. [...] For sure, if ever there is something clear and obvious in nature, it is impossible not to see, is that nature, God's minister, the government of men, made us all the same shape, and as it seems, in the same mold, so that we can recognize one another as companions, or rather as brothers. And if, by dividing the gifts that made us, has benefited in the body or mind one more than the others, did not intend to put this fence in the world as a fighter, and did not send down here or the strongest or the smartest as armed robbers in a forest, to bully the weak. But, rather, one must believe that the nature of giving more to some and not others, wanted to leave room for affection, because where he had expressed, each having power to help, others need to receive. [...] We must not doubt that we are naturally free, because we are all comrades, and no one can come to mind that nature has put someone in servitude, after putting us all together. [...] It must be concluded that freedom is a natural fact, and for that reason, I believe that not only are born in possession of our freedom, but also with the desire to defend it. "

"was his true medium in equality, that never wants to contravene the rule, so it's always the same." Beyond the naturalistic conception of freedom, La Boétie his ideal society based on an established relationship of friendship that allows the maximum possible development of freedom and equality.
In conclusion, the speech, although written 450 years ago, still has a strongly present. In addition to its theoretical aspects, the strength of this work consists in tyranny against the right to civil disobedience: "Be determined not to serve more, and you're free."
Making sure that this is not some excuse to establish a new tyranny, different in form but identical in substance, so that "everything changes so that nothing changes." To them it is right that does not smile on the success because "we must not abuse the holy name of liberty to make bad business."
This is the message against tyranny.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How To Make A Piccatshu Costume

Maisha Safi is a ' volunteer organization that was founded in May 2009 due to my personal experience of volunteering in Kenya . There are two terms Swahili and literally mean Pure Life immaculate and clean ... that life that I think all children should have and that thanks to my help, I hope I can have ...

I spent in this beautiful country about two months, two unforgettable months that I would never end. Find peace, serenity, the values \u200b\u200blost in a place like this is not hard ... in fact it is all too easy. How not to get involved by the immense joy of children, the enormous hospitality of the people who have not, nothing is ready to offer a bed and a hot meal if you need it, from the curiosity of every single person always ready to exchange two words. . Muzungu hey, hey hey bro ".... white, hey brother ..... how do you resist all this?

The three days since my arrival in Kenya wrote .. "I feel like home ".... I feel like the home .... 3 days .. and despite all the difficulties are unexpected, so I wrote and I did not know that my experience would prove to be more intense and rewarding.

The meeting with the children of Likoni AIDS ORPHANAGE Mombasa , was what made me really understand what it means to help someone and do it with my heart ...

be able to give them a more substantial meal, the joy of going to school, to have new clothes, to be able to brush your teeth ..;) all small things for us, but inexplicably become BIG THINGS if we speak of ' Africa.

Remember all the feelings and emotions day after day as if it were yesterday and I hope that this excitement I remember that the only cause, to accompany me all my life ...

These few lines just to make you understand why my choice to give life to this organization. Being able to do something for people who have been less Lucky me fills me with joy, gives me a chance to think about them every single day and my little allows me to positively change their lives ...