Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Brookstone Helicopter Rotates

More about MBT

In the previous post I had talked about the last shoes I bought, but at first glance, it may be difficult to understand the link between these shoes and the world of walking.
Here is another post dedicated to the topic.
In the video you can have some more information about the effects of the MBT, as well as having a function workout all the muscle chains involved in the race strengthen the core muscles, increase proprioception (due to the instability they create), and favor a more rapid recovery after a workout or race.
Among the various views expressed in official website, I was particularly struck that of Octavian Iuliano, Section Commander of the Carabinieri Athletics Dr. Coaching and Sport Sciences in the Italian Athletics Federation and a former blue fourteenth century, with a staff and 400 m. of 47'14 ".
In his review states to use these shoes for some athletes he trained for specific training sessions. This is the full review from the site :

The MBT shoes that do not call because it is deliberately wear shoes to feel the sensation of "floating" with his feet on the ground, are routinely used by some of our athletes to perform specific training sessions that serve to enhance and improve the proprioceptive ability of the foot impacts the ground. In fact, do specific exercises with the MBT, as the speeds of running technique (tight-rolled wide, low-skip-quick, jumped quickly, etc) definitely helps raise awareness of motor neuromuscular system continuously stimulated by the "Masai Sensor". The results can be found in the fact that the muscular chains visibly better work involved and because it facilitates better posture is because the muscles involved kinetically contract harmoniously. The latter aspect is evident from the fact that athletes involved in the use of MBT have achieved the correct posture and consequently decreased the rate of accidents by totally eliminating the problems of lumbar muscle fatigue greatly stressed in walking, marching and jogging. Walking, wearing the MBT, after the due time of adaptation, it is pleasant and relaxing and also helps the stages of recovery from strenuous training and racing gear. In summary, the use of MBT is valid for the simple walk to train the ability to perceive their bodies in space and learn to feel and check the status of a positive contraction of the muscles.


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